Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Something I have learned over time: for me revelation and inspiration often come in little momments, in little bits at a time. They are like little sparks of clarity- when suddenly something, no matter how big or small, becomes so clear. These momments speak to your heart and mind in a combination unlike any other kind of learning. And they can be about just about anything- whether spiritual or secular or other knowledge- because the One providing us with these truths knows everything! These are momments of being taught truth. Whether they come during our own deep study and pursuit of knowledge, or whether they suddenly pop into our heads while we are pondering, walking, jogging, working on homework, star gazing, doing yoga, dancing, reading, writing, eating, sleeping, singing, climbing, jumping, talking, surfing, etc- they are momments in which our Father clearly teaches us princples of eternal truth, and they can come just about any time as long as we are doing the simple things He asks, living worthily, seeking diligently through studying His word and talking with Him through prayer, and having our hearts and minds tuned to that still, small voice with which He teaches. Imagine that! Momments of teaching and learning directly between the Creator of the universe and one of His individual children.
And He speaks to each of His children in different ways that are unique and tailored to each individual.  Pretty neat, right? This is a gift He wants every one of us to have: the gift of personal revelation. I feel so blessed!

Friday, April 12, 2013


I have always dreamed of being able to say this and now that it is here, it's even better than I ever could of imagined...

I have been called to serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! I have been called to serve in the Brazil Belém Mission! I will be speaking Portuguese and will report to the Brazil Missionary Training Center on September 4th!

It's hard to describe receiving your OWN mission call. It is awesome. People always told me that they didn't expect their area at all, were so surprised to get their call, and yet that they felt (often instantly) and knew that it was perfect for them. Now I can say that all of these things are true! From personal experience! I didn't expect Brazil at all, but now that I have received my call, I can't imagine anywhere else I'd rather go. It is so perfect. And I can feel that this is right, and I know that Belém is the right place for me.

Things have really changed. My life has turned around and is going in a completely different direction than it was just a short while ago. I broke off my engagement, and the only reason is because I just didn't feel like it was the right path for me right now.There really aren't words to describe what has happened or how I have felt throughout the expereince, except that I am doing my very best to follow the guidance that Heavenly Father has been sending me lovingly and gently. I am blessed to have such incredible people in my life. Often during these big changes in life it's hard to understand why these things are happening. We- at least I sure do!- ask "Why?" and want answers immediately. I asked why a whole lot while realizing that Heavenly Father was trying to tell me He had a different path for me to follow. But something I have learned is that sometimes we simply won't understand -yet. And we don't have to- yet! A wise roommate and friend once told me (she was quoting a very wise man!) that Satan, the adversary, can immitate many feelings- excitment, anxiety, nervousness, happiness, etc- to try to keep us from the right path and lead us astray, but only God can give us peace. This is a feeling that Satan can never, never, never immitate or give us. Of course feelings of excitement and happiness are not bad! But it is so reassuring to know that when we are feeling peace we can KNOW it is from God, without a doubt. So, I have learned that amidst these times of change beyond our understanding, that we must cling to these feelings of peace. Because as long as we have the Spirit of God guiding us, and are feeling that sweet peace, then we can never be led astray. While doing one of the hardest things I have had to do- breaking of my engagement- I learned that it is only God's peace that can truly reassure us and give us confidence to step forward into what we don't understand. This peace has guided me to the decision of serving a mission, and the same peace that has led me to this decision has filled my heart and soul today while opening my mission call! My perspective is so tiny and incomplete, but it feels like I am finally getting with the program! It's the little steps of faith that we take into the unknown that will lead us to eternal life. I know this for sure.

Some interesting facts about Belém (according to Wikipedia...)
-means "Bethlehem"
-Brazilian city, capital and largest city of state of Pará
-Entrance gate to the Amazon River!
-Also known as the city of mangos due to the large amount of mango trees found there

Also, my mission is right underneath and shares borders with Suriname- where my grandparents served one of their missions!

Basically, I'm already in love with Belém. :) Now, I just need to figure out how to pronounce it the right way...