It begins with this verse from the Bible:
"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." Matthew 16:25
I feel very strongly that mothers really live this scripture verse! I can think of few others who "lose their life" for Christ's sake in the way that mothers do.
On the other hand, there have been times I have felt I have lost myself in a way that just doesn't feel quite right...
Talking to a friend:
Friend: So, what have you been up to lately?
(I think about my last couple of days: changed lots of diapers, took naps while trying to get the kids to sleep, cleaned the house a billion times but it looks like it hasn't been cleaned in a year, played with toys, read children's books, almost drowned in dirty laundry, kissed lots of owwies.)
Me: Uhhh.... Not much.
Friend: What do you like to do?
Me: Uhh..... I don't really do anything. Change diapers?..Wait! I like to play trucks! ...and draw BIG dragons!!! ... Does that count?
I really DO love playing trucks and drawing big dragons- because it makes my son Eli SOOOO happy! I love making my kids happy, and making sure they are taken care of, and nurturing them, and giving them my full attention, and just being there for them! Nothing I have ever done has brought more meaning to my life than being a wife and mother.
But there have been times since becoming a mom that I've felt like maybe I've lost myself a little too much. This has caused me a lot of confusion. I'm supposed to lose myself in service, right??
In some ways, becoming a mother has changed me in ways that have made me feel more like my true self -the self that God intends me to eventually become. I have been more refined, stretched, and strengthened than ever before. Motherhood has required me to become more selfless than ever before. I've learned to put my kids needs above my own desires at many times. I've learned to find balance, and simplify life so that I can focus on the things that really, really matter to me- and that really bring me joy. My marriage has been strengthened and I treasure my marriage and husband more than ever before. And our kids bring us SO much joy!
But on those days that I can't even remember what I like to do, I sometimes don't feel like myself anymore.
Tonight a few things clicked in my mind.
But I have to give a little background info first-
Ever since having kids, I feel like I've kind of been searching for some kind of hobby or interest. Something to make me feel unique again. And to make me feel like I'm learning and growing. I've jumped around and tried several things. But I've often felt that somehow I have lost the Erica that I used to be before becoming a mom.
Recently, during our summer vacation in Virginia, my parents put together an opportunity for me and my husband to ride horses! Riding horses is something I always dreamt of doing as a kid, and then had the opportunity to get involved in when I was around 11-16. I took lessons, and we even owned/shared a horse for a while. When I moved at age 16, I kind of left it all behind me and didn't have the same opportunities anymore.
When we rode in Virginia, I felt like my old self again. Riding was so therapeutic! And afterwards, my sister and parents said things like, "It's so good to see Erica on a horse again." And my husband was so surprised to see a part of me he had never seen before! It made him happy to see me light up and enjoy myself like that.
...Are people going to think I'm a bad mom?
Mom's can feel guilty about anything. (I guess it's some kind of special skill!! ....)
My husband has always been so supportive of me! And after seeing me ride a horse, he started encouraging me to think about taking lessons. While walking tonight with my husband, I was expressing all of these fears/doubts/confusions to him. He said something that just made everything click in my mind.
He reminded me that President Russell M. Nelson (Prophet and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), who I believe whole-heartedly to be a man of God, likes to ski! Last General Conference, several of the apostles lovingly and teasingly referred to how President Nelson likes to ski (even being 94 years old!) and that he even took his grandchildren skiing (because his own children were too old!)! They joked about having problems keeping him off the slopes!
I remember listening to conference, and finding out that President Nelson likes to ski. I thought it was so fun- it made me want to get to know President Nelson more! It struck me: the fact that President Nelson skis does not make him any less dedicated to the Lord, or to serving members of the Church and all people of the world! In fact, knowing that he skis makes him seem so human- so personable, so fun, so real, so relatable. I respect him and follow him, knowing that he is a prophet of God. But knowing he skis makes me want to get to know him just for who he is!

(President Nelson is the second from the right)
As a mom, having personal interests doesn't make me any less dedicated to my family. It makes me more human- it makes me more approachable, more personable, more real! It makes me fun to get to know. It helps me talk to other people and connect with them. It even benefits my children- it gives them a mom who can let go of the stresses of everyday life and be fun! It gives them a mom who loves life, who cherishes her time with them, and who can be more present at home because she is reassured that she will have time for herself later.
Just like the men and women of God who lead the Church have interests and hobbies, we moms can (and should) have interests and hobbies too (whether reading a book, skiing, sewing, cooking, yoga, karate, talking with a friend, etc). We can serve our family, and still take care of ourselves.
Losing ourself in the service of our families is truly a noble cause. But Heavenly Father doesn't want us to forget ourselves. He doesn't want us to constantly put our own needs, well being, emotional health, and even interests on the back burner. He wants us to take care of ourselves, and to nurture the interests, talents, and hobbies that He planted within us. He made each of us unique. He made each of us fun, interesting, and exciting. He wants us to be excited about getting to know ourselves and others, and about learning new things and developing our talents.
So, I'm starting to understand that there is a way to lose myself in service to my children without forgetting to take care of and nurture myself.
Thanks so much for this valuable lesson Erica! It's something I've been needing to hear myself. I've felt like something was missing lately and now I realize I just need to find things I like doing and make sure I'm setting aside bits of time to do them. =) I think this is a good lesson to help me make that positive step into the future.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kelley!! You have so many talents! I'm excited to see all the great things in store for you!
DeleteOh my goodness, Erica!! This! This post is something I needed to read today. As I sit on my couch, feeding my 6 week old I look around me and notice the laundry basket, the pile of kid puzzles that my daughter didn't put away and the books that my son was reading... I want so much to have that clean, neat home that used to be before I had kids. And yet I love my kids and they bring me such joy. I have had these kinds of thoughts so often too, wondering if it's okay for me to want to do something for me, not as mom but as Kayley. I homeschool as well so sometimes I feel like I never get a break and then I feel guilty when I do want a break. But I will agree with you that I think Heavenly Father wants us to develop who we are, not only as a mom but also as a person, an individual. So I'm going to play volleyball tonight! 😊 Thank you for helping me not feel bad about this. And thank you again for these wise words! I appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts and wisdom. Good luck on your journey of finding that balance of being Erica and mom! Love to you!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, Kayley!! You are such an incredible person and such an awesome mom! I miss seeing your beautiful family! But it's fun to follow you on Facebook and your blog! Have a great time playing volleyball :D It's so fun to see all the different talents that moms have (along with nurturing their families)!
DeleteI've had this open in a tab for a while now and I finally read it. Thanks so much for sharing your thought Erica <3 I definitely needed to read these words!
ReplyDeleteThanks Emilee! You're such an incredible, mom!