As I look around myself at the world, and as I look within myself, it becomes clear to me that it is human nature to want to be happy, and to pursue that happiness. The pursuit of happiness is even one of our constitutional rights in the United States of America. It's important to all of us!
Happiness Pitfalls
The struggle, I believe, is pursuing the right kind of happiness. Real happiness. Sometimes happiness can seem so illusive, and seem like a constant and impossible pursuit. That's sure how it seems if you look to modern media. It's easy to think, "If I was just rich, famous, and beautiful like her, I'd be happy." or "She's/He's got it all." But I don't believe that being famous or rich or looking a certain way is the key to happiness, even though today's world glorifies those things.
Another struggle is that in our minds we kind of set up these "happiness destinations." We say to ourselves (whether consciously or unconsciously), "Once I've graduated-" or "Once I've lost weight-" or "Once I get a promotion at work-" or "Once I have enough money to do what I want-" ...
"then I'll be happy."
In these cases, we are pursuing something, but is it really the happiness we crave?
I'm guilty of falling into both of these happiness struggles. -But, there are also times that I've felt real happiness- the kind that fills me up with warmth, brings out that natural smile, makes me feel genuinely good, and brings me a deep sense of peace. I believe we all have felt that real happiness at some time in our lives:) The hard thing can be recognizing what it was that brought us that real happiness, and then prioritizing our lives in a way that enables us to pursue real happiness, rather than the fake stuff.
Happiness vs. Pleasure
Real happiness and fake happiness are very different. I'd say that fake happiness is also known as pleasure. I think there are times for pleasure in our lives, but I don't believe that pleasure CAN EVER replace happiness. It can supplement happiness, but it cannot replace happiness.
Here are some characteristics of, and examples of, happiness and pleasure that come to my mind: (maybe you'd disagree with these, but these are just some ideas I have)
Happiness Pleasure
-deep and lasting -in the moment, but doesn't last
-fulfilling -fun
-brings a sense of peace -thrilling, exciting
-motivates and uplifts -leaves you wanting more
-going out of your way to help someone else -eating an ice cream cone or favorite food
-making someone smile:) -riding a roller coaster
-feeling a deep sense of purpose for your life -being excited about a new adventure
-working hard -getting something new
-knowing you did your best -getting a promotion/new job
-loving someone enough to put their needs above -being "in love"
your own
-providing for/caring for your family
-meeting someone's needs
What I've found in my life is that although the world can make pursuing happiness feel like pursuing an illusive concept, the real way to pursue happiness is very simple. And when I pursue happiness in the simple way, I find it! Real, real, happiness.
The simple way to find happiness for me, is to prioritize my life around three things. It's not always easy, but it's the way to find real happiness that fulfills me unlike anything else can.
First Priority: Love God.
Second Priority: Love Spouse and Family.
Third Priority: Love Others.
Eating an ice cream cone will never bring me happiness like serving God will. Riding a roller coaster will never bring the deep satisfaction that caring for my spouse will. Having an amazing social status or my dream job will never bring the same lasting joy that comes from raising my baby son with love. Even though ice cream, and roller coasters, and great jobs are all very good things, they just cannot come before the most important things.
God has always known what will make us happy. He taught us what our first priorities should be:
30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
( Mark 12: 30-31)
Jesus Christ taught it, and I know it is true. God loves us with all His heart, and if we love Him with all ours, it will bring deep joy. I believe our family must come first, and that when we have loved and taken care of our family, we also must reach out and serve the people around us. A key to loving is doing.
The Simple Formula to Be MORE HAPPY 😃
Find a simple way to love God more, to love your family more, and to love those around you more, and then do it!
It can be something simple: pray more often, think of Jesus Christ more often, tell your spouse you love them, do something nice to surprise them, give your kids a big hug, express gratitude to your parents, send your grandparent a letter, help your neighbor bring their groceries in, try to get to know your neighbors. Whatever it is, if it helps you love God and love others more, it will bring you real happiness.
:)Some of my real happiness: