December 22nd of 2015 was the happiest and most important day of my life so far.
The drive to Manti, Utah, was slow, serene, peaceful. The snow was clean and white on the landscape around us as we drove on snow sprinkled roads through the falling sleet and snow. White was everywhere! Almost as if God was sending me an invitation to reflect on the white building I would soon be entering, the white clothing I would soon be wearing, and the purity that resides in the House of the Lord that we would soon enter.

Being sealed to my best friend was an experience I cannot forget. Being in the temple together, with family gathered in the room, a deep sense of peace and light filled me. I felt so close to Heaven.
When we exited the temple, it was still sleeting and snowing, but somehow the cold didn't feel as cold as usual. The warmth felt in the temple still lingered in our hearts. The same warmth that I imagine fills the space of Heaven.
Reflecting on the day, I realize that the reason I felt so close to Heaven was not because of how beautiful the building we were in was, nor how elegant the decorations were, nor because I felt like a princess in the beautiful dress my mom carefully made for me. I felt close to Heaven because of the individuals around me and the gospel of Jesus Christ that enabled that moment to happen. We were in the temple! A place so pure that the Savior Himself could appear there and walk the halls (after all, it is His house). An ordinance was performed there and a covenant was made- these beautiful experiences and promises only possible because Jesus is the Christ and His perfect gospel has been restored to the earth! I felt close to Heaven because my heart was filled with the Holy Spirit of God, witnessing to me that God was pleased with the decision and was rejoicing with us.
But even if I had been in the exact same place, feeling the exact same sweet and wonderful feeling, it couldn't quite have been Heaven without the family and loved ones that were there.
I felt close to Heaven because I was surrounded by people who I love. I felt so close to Heaven because a new family was being formed. And families are of God. Heaven is family! Heaven is being in the presence of our Father. The Creator of our spirits and bodies! Heaven is being with the people we love, who all are our brothers and sisters! Our earthly parents and siblings! Our grandparents, our aunts, uncles, cousins, extended families! Extended families beyond extended families! Our ancestors and our posterity! Most importantly, our spouse.
I felt closer to Heaven than I had ever been before because I was being sealed to my new husband- and being with him will make Heaven Heaven for me.
I am forever grateful for my eternal companion.
I love this, Erica!!!! Thanks for sharing!! I am SO glad I got to be there with you on your most important day.