My husband and I recently learned a little marriage tip that we have loved! He was taught it in one of his university classes by a very inspired teacher (who is also a Marriage Family Therapist). It's one that we feel like everyone should know because it has the potential to really bless a lot of marriages. It's something so simple, but has already been a huge blessing to us.
In a recent discussion I participated in about marriage and what some of the real struggles are, I noticed that many of the comments made had some link to communication. I wanted to share this tip with everyone right then, but I didn't want to totally derail the discussion. Communication just isn't easy! And for a husband and wife, who are made to basically be opposites (I believe that to be part of God's very inspired and perfect plan), it can be especially challenging. Men and women also have different needs, and it can be hard to understand what your own needs are, let alone your spouse's!
So here's the tip we love:
The teacher who shared this called it a "check-in."
As frequently as the couple feels would benefit them, they can do these little check-in's. Whether that be once a day, once a week, or multiple times a day, or once a month. It's especially helpful to do when you can sense that something is a little off with your spouse- like they have a need that you and they cannot easily identify.
The Check-In
Ask each other these questions and really listen to the answers. You can switch off asking the questions one by one, or take turns asking them all in a row. Just allow plenty of time for the spouse to answer each one.
1. How are you physically?
2. How are you emotionally?
3. How are you spiritually?
4. How are you intellectually?
5. How are you sexually?
It's so simple, but we've found that it has helped us to learn more about each other, understand each other more fully, and to be able to meet each other's needs more easily and more fully. I love how it encompasses the many parts of an individual- we are each physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and sexual beings!
Sometimes I won't even know what my need is, but I know that I'm feeling kind of empty. As my husband asks me these questions, we find that I linger on one or two of the different topics/questions. And as we discuss further, we're able to find what it is that I am lacking. The same has gone for him! Even though we communicate often and are always wanting to help each other, we found that these five questions have really helped us cut right to finding what it is we can do for each other that would be the most helpful and meaningful.
I believe that family and heaven are inseparably connected. My family is my piece of heaven on earth, and Christ is the peace of my family. This is a place where I will share thoughts and beliefs about the things I am learning through my studies on the family and my own experiences.
Friday, December 1, 2017
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Watching Eli Grow
One of the neatest thing about being a parent is getting to see your child grow and learn day by day. Often the little things he (or she) is learning may seem small, but to you they are milestones! Because you are right there, so involved in all of the little things they do. Seeing your baby focus his eyes on you for the first time, suck on his hand for the first time, seeing him smile for the first time, his first laugh, seeing him learn to grab things and use his little fingers, seeing him roll and then crawl, then stand up, and especially seeing his personality begin to develop, are all so special! And because those little things happen so gradually, and I see Eli's progress day by day, it's so neat to be able to look back at pictures of him and see how far he has come and how much he has changed!
I love being a family. Being a wife and mom are the best things I have ever done! It's such a privilege to, with my husband, bring new little individuals into the world and to get to teach them and be taught by them. I love babies and kids! Children bring light into the world. Personally, I think being a wife and mom are the most meaningful, lasting things I could ever do.
I love these little videos:
Friday, July 14, 2017
Real Happiness
We All Want It
As I look around myself at the world, and as I look within myself, it becomes clear to me that it is human nature to want to be happy, and to pursue that happiness. The pursuit of happiness is even one of our constitutional rights in the United States of America. It's important to all of us!
Happiness Pitfalls
The struggle, I believe, is pursuing the right kind of happiness. Real happiness. Sometimes happiness can seem so illusive, and seem like a constant and impossible pursuit. That's sure how it seems if you look to modern media. It's easy to think, "If I was just rich, famous, and beautiful like her, I'd be happy." or "She's/He's got it all." But I don't believe that being famous or rich or looking a certain way is the key to happiness, even though today's world glorifies those things.
Another struggle is that in our minds we kind of set up these "happiness destinations." We say to ourselves (whether consciously or unconsciously), "Once I've graduated-" or "Once I've lost weight-" or "Once I get a promotion at work-" or "Once I have enough money to do what I want-" ...
How to Find True Happiness
What I've found in my life is that although the world can make pursuing happiness feel like pursuing an illusive concept, the real way to pursue happiness is very simple. And when I pursue happiness in the simple way, I find it! Real, real, happiness.
The simple way to find happiness for me, is to prioritize my life around three things. It's not always easy, but it's the way to find real happiness that fulfills me unlike anything else can.
First Priority: Love God.
Second Priority: Love Spouse and Family.
Third Priority: Love Others.
Eating an ice cream cone will never bring me happiness like serving God will. Riding a roller coaster will never bring the deep satisfaction that caring for my spouse will. Having an amazing social status or my dream job will never bring the same lasting joy that comes from raising my baby son with love. Even though ice cream, and roller coasters, and great jobs are all very good things, they just cannot come before the most important things.
God has always known what will make us happy. He taught us what our first priorities should be:
As I look around myself at the world, and as I look within myself, it becomes clear to me that it is human nature to want to be happy, and to pursue that happiness. The pursuit of happiness is even one of our constitutional rights in the United States of America. It's important to all of us!
Happiness Pitfalls
The struggle, I believe, is pursuing the right kind of happiness. Real happiness. Sometimes happiness can seem so illusive, and seem like a constant and impossible pursuit. That's sure how it seems if you look to modern media. It's easy to think, "If I was just rich, famous, and beautiful like her, I'd be happy." or "She's/He's got it all." But I don't believe that being famous or rich or looking a certain way is the key to happiness, even though today's world glorifies those things.
Another struggle is that in our minds we kind of set up these "happiness destinations." We say to ourselves (whether consciously or unconsciously), "Once I've graduated-" or "Once I've lost weight-" or "Once I get a promotion at work-" or "Once I have enough money to do what I want-" ...
"then I'll be happy."
In these cases, we are pursuing something, but is it really the happiness we crave?
I'm guilty of falling into both of these happiness struggles. -But, there are also times that I've felt real happiness- the kind that fills me up with warmth, brings out that natural smile, makes me feel genuinely good, and brings me a deep sense of peace. I believe we all have felt that real happiness at some time in our lives:) The hard thing can be recognizing what it was that brought us that real happiness, and then prioritizing our lives in a way that enables us to pursue real happiness, rather than the fake stuff.
Happiness vs. Pleasure
Real happiness and fake happiness are very different. I'd say that fake happiness is also known as pleasure. I think there are times for pleasure in our lives, but I don't believe that pleasure CAN EVER replace happiness. It can supplement happiness, but it cannot replace happiness.
Here are some characteristics of, and examples of, happiness and pleasure that come to my mind: (maybe you'd disagree with these, but these are just some ideas I have)
Happiness Pleasure
-deep and lasting -in the moment, but doesn't last
-fulfilling -fun
-brings a sense of peace -thrilling, exciting
-motivates and uplifts -leaves you wanting more
-going out of your way to help someone else -eating an ice cream cone or favorite food
-making someone smile:) -riding a roller coaster
-feeling a deep sense of purpose for your life -being excited about a new adventure
-working hard -getting something new
-knowing you did your best -getting a promotion/new job
-loving someone enough to put their needs above -being "in love"
your own
-providing for/caring for your family
-meeting someone's needs
What I've found in my life is that although the world can make pursuing happiness feel like pursuing an illusive concept, the real way to pursue happiness is very simple. And when I pursue happiness in the simple way, I find it! Real, real, happiness.
The simple way to find happiness for me, is to prioritize my life around three things. It's not always easy, but it's the way to find real happiness that fulfills me unlike anything else can.
First Priority: Love God.
Second Priority: Love Spouse and Family.
Third Priority: Love Others.
Eating an ice cream cone will never bring me happiness like serving God will. Riding a roller coaster will never bring the deep satisfaction that caring for my spouse will. Having an amazing social status or my dream job will never bring the same lasting joy that comes from raising my baby son with love. Even though ice cream, and roller coasters, and great jobs are all very good things, they just cannot come before the most important things.
God has always known what will make us happy. He taught us what our first priorities should be:
30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
( Mark 12: 30-31)
Jesus Christ taught it, and I know it is true. God loves us with all His heart, and if we love Him with all ours, it will bring deep joy. I believe our family must come first, and that when we have loved and taken care of our family, we also must reach out and serve the people around us. A key to loving is doing.
The Simple Formula to Be MORE HAPPY 😃
Find a simple way to love God more, to love your family more, and to love those around you more, and then do it!
It can be something simple: pray more often, think of Jesus Christ more often, tell your spouse you love them, do something nice to surprise them, give your kids a big hug, express gratitude to your parents, send your grandparent a letter, help your neighbor bring their groceries in, try to get to know your neighbors. Whatever it is, if it helps you love God and love others more, it will bring you real happiness.
:)Some of my real happiness:
Monday, February 6, 2017
Words of Kindness
This morning when I was still quite drowsy, I checked my phone for text messages. It made me think: What if I woke up eager to check if I had any messages from Heaven, rather than checking if I had text messages? As I sat down to study the scriptures, this experience gave me a new idea of how to approach my study. I decided that as I read, I would write down (in my own words) messages that I felt Heavenly Father was sending me. It ended up being a powerful experience for me, and I couldn't help but feel that there are some other people who need to hear those kinds of messages too. While some of the messages are more personal, there are some that I felt that Heavenly Father is trying to send to all of His children (through scriptures, prophets, etc).
These are some of the things I wrote down, that I believe are messages God also wants to send to YOU! (These are in my own words, but come from principles found in the scriptures.)

Messages from God:
"I love you."
"You're doing a good job."
"I will help you."
"I want to be with you."
"Represent me well."
"I have work for you to do."
"I have a plan for you."
"I created you. Take care of yourself."
"Satan wants to have you. Don't let him in."
"Having gratitude will make your life joyful."
"Serve my children. They need to know that I love them."
"I have given you spiritual gifts."
"I want to teach you."
"Love me. I have always loved, and will always love, you."
"I have prepared great things for you."
This idea of the kinds of messages God sends us on a regular basis relates well to something else I've been wanting to write about. Ever since my last post called, "My Best Marriage Advice," I've been thinking of one more thing I would add to that list. (But I think it deserves its own post!) That is: Speak to, and about, your spouse with kindness.
Heavenly Father is the ultimate example of speaking with kindness. Maybe you've had similar experiences, but there have been times in my life (even very recently), that I just feel like I'll never be any good. I feel like everything I do is wrong, and that I'm really just not measuring up to all that God intends for me to be. But when I stop focusing on these negative messages, and start tuning in to the messages that God has been trying to send me, I hear things like "It's going to be ok!" "You're doing much better than you think you are." "I love you." "I'll help you." "You aren't alone."
What if we consistently spoke this way to our spouse? And to our children, siblings, parents, friends, and even acquaintances?
Imagine if next time a spouse (or your child/sibling/cousin/relative/friend) made a mistake, instead of making a sarcastic remark, or saying, "You really messed things up." "How many times is this going to happen?" "Haven't you learned?" "Why are you doing this to me?", we simply replied, "I love you, and I'll help you. Things are going to be ok."
That is speaking kindly to others, but speaking kindly about others is also extremely powerful. A religion professor brought to my attention that when Heavenly Father speaks about Jesus in the scriptures, He speaks about him with love and respect. He calls Jesus, His "Beloved" Son, and says that He is well pleased with Jesus. This must have made Jesus feel so validated, appreciated, secure, valued- because the One Person he admired most, his Father, said these things about him.
There have been times I walked into a room and overheard my husband talking about me with someone else. And every time that has happened, he has been saying things like: "Yeah, Erica is really talented!" or "She really has a gift for that!" or "Yeah, I think she's wonderful too."
It makes me feel so secure to know that whether we are together or apart, my husband will be my number one supporter and friend! He will say kind things about me anywhere to anyone. I don't have to be afraid that he will make jokes about me, embarrass me, or talk about my weaknesses to others, even when I'm not there.
My parents have always done similarly for me. I've often overheard them talking to someone else about me, saying they are proud of me, or talking about good things that I've done.
Trust me, there are plenty of not-awesome things I've done, mistakes I've made, ways I've hurt others, sins I have repeatedly fallen into. So these examples have nothing to do with me, but show that my husband and parents understand the power of speaking kindly about others, and their doing so has blessed my life.
It's my belief that words of kindness have the power to change bad days to good days, discouraged hearts to encouraged hearts, and ultimately, ordinary people into extraordinary people. God uses the power of kind words, and these are the kinds of things He does.
These are some of the things I wrote down, that I believe are messages God also wants to send to YOU! (These are in my own words, but come from principles found in the scriptures.)

Messages from God:
"I love you."
"You're doing a good job."
"I will help you."
"I want to be with you."
"Represent me well."
"I have work for you to do."
"I have a plan for you."
"I created you. Take care of yourself."
"Satan wants to have you. Don't let him in."
"Having gratitude will make your life joyful."
"Serve my children. They need to know that I love them."
"I have given you spiritual gifts."
"I want to teach you."
"Love me. I have always loved, and will always love, you."
"I have prepared great things for you."
This idea of the kinds of messages God sends us on a regular basis relates well to something else I've been wanting to write about. Ever since my last post called, "My Best Marriage Advice," I've been thinking of one more thing I would add to that list. (But I think it deserves its own post!) That is: Speak to, and about, your spouse with kindness.
Heavenly Father is the ultimate example of speaking with kindness. Maybe you've had similar experiences, but there have been times in my life (even very recently), that I just feel like I'll never be any good. I feel like everything I do is wrong, and that I'm really just not measuring up to all that God intends for me to be. But when I stop focusing on these negative messages, and start tuning in to the messages that God has been trying to send me, I hear things like "It's going to be ok!" "You're doing much better than you think you are." "I love you." "I'll help you." "You aren't alone."
What if we consistently spoke this way to our spouse? And to our children, siblings, parents, friends, and even acquaintances?
Imagine if next time a spouse (or your child/sibling/cousin/relative/friend) made a mistake, instead of making a sarcastic remark, or saying, "You really messed things up." "How many times is this going to happen?" "Haven't you learned?" "Why are you doing this to me?", we simply replied, "I love you, and I'll help you. Things are going to be ok."
That is speaking kindly to others, but speaking kindly about others is also extremely powerful. A religion professor brought to my attention that when Heavenly Father speaks about Jesus in the scriptures, He speaks about him with love and respect. He calls Jesus, His "Beloved" Son, and says that He is well pleased with Jesus. This must have made Jesus feel so validated, appreciated, secure, valued- because the One Person he admired most, his Father, said these things about him.
There have been times I walked into a room and overheard my husband talking about me with someone else. And every time that has happened, he has been saying things like: "Yeah, Erica is really talented!" or "She really has a gift for that!" or "Yeah, I think she's wonderful too."
It makes me feel so secure to know that whether we are together or apart, my husband will be my number one supporter and friend! He will say kind things about me anywhere to anyone. I don't have to be afraid that he will make jokes about me, embarrass me, or talk about my weaknesses to others, even when I'm not there.
My parents have always done similarly for me. I've often overheard them talking to someone else about me, saying they are proud of me, or talking about good things that I've done.
Trust me, there are plenty of not-awesome things I've done, mistakes I've made, ways I've hurt others, sins I have repeatedly fallen into. So these examples have nothing to do with me, but show that my husband and parents understand the power of speaking kindly about others, and their doing so has blessed my life.
It's my belief that words of kindness have the power to change bad days to good days, discouraged hearts to encouraged hearts, and ultimately, ordinary people into extraordinary people. God uses the power of kind words, and these are the kinds of things He does.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
My Best Marriage Advice
Before getting married, my husband and I dove into the world of marriage prep! And I don't mean wedding preparation, I really mean marriage preparation. Our wedding was really quite simple, and it was perfect for us. The details of the wedding weren't really that important to us. We knew it would be a beautiful day for us, regardless of how perfect our guests thought the decorations were. What we really wanted to focus on was preparing for our life together. We knew that the wedding was special, but it was just the first day of an eternity together, and we wanted to do all we could to give the best start we could to our eternity.
Some people may have thought it was a bit over the top, but before getting married (and in our early marriage), I was enrolled in a marriage prep. class at BYU, my fiance was attending a marriage prep. institute class (a religious class held outside of the regular university hours), we were attending a marital workshop together, I was enrolled in a Family Finance class, we took an Eternal Family class together, I took a Strengthening Marriage and Family class, we read books, and basically took advantage of every opportunity we could to prepare. And I'm grateful for every single one of those little things we did! I don't regret any of it, and none of it was a waste of time. It was all worth it!
We just had our first anniversary about a month ago, so we are still newbies at marriage, and there are millions (billions) of people who have more experience than us! But I've been thinking about this post for a while now, and I thought that maybe it is worth writing. Maybe it can help someone who is beginning, or preparing for, their own marriage. Or maybe it could help someone who has been married for years! Who knows! Our marriage is far from perfect, and we're learning every day, but I can wholeheartedly and honestly say that our marriage is joyful!
Here is some of the BEST advice we received/learned in our marriage preparation:
-Pray together every morning and night. (And holding hands while praying is great:) )
This may sound basic (and maybe you've heard it a thousand times), but hearing your spouse pray for you and your family, your goals, your dreams, your struggles, is such a unifying experience. It really glues you together and helps you become one with each other.
-Read "And They Were Not Ashamed" by Laura M. Brotherson.
There are other great books like this one too, but this one is highly recommended by many, and was the best recommendation given from my own marriage prep. instructors. It teaches about what I believe is true intimacy- a combination of spiritual, emotional, and physical oneness. If you are in the dating/engagement phase, it would be best to read this book individually. If you are married, it's great to read it together!
-Be totally transparent with your finances. Create a budget and stick to it. is excellent for creating a budget together. It makes it super easy to be transparent with your finances. ("Transparent" meaning that you hide nothing from each other.) You can both log in to your account any time and see what's in your bank accounts and what transactions have been made. Then you can categorize the transactions right into your different budget categories.
-Create a "Personal Money" category for each of you in your budget. My family finance teacher called it "Mad Money" (I'm not really sure why...Hahahaha). The idea is that each of you gets a little allowance each week or month (however you set it up). It could be however much you both agree on. As small as 4$ a week, or less or more. You are each allowed to do whatever you want to with your personal money. As my teacher stated it, "As long as it's moral and legal." You can save up your money to buy something you want, or you can spend it often on little things like vending machine snacks (hahaha, that was one of my favorite ways to spend it while I was a full-time student on campus. ...I could never seem to pack enough food to last me the whole day). Each person having their own personal money can prevent a lot of conflict. Many know that finances can be a source of strain in a marriage. When you each have some personal money, it gives you some independence and the freedom to choose how to spend your own money. It also can prevent arguments ("You spent our money on what????"). This way you can buy something that is valuable to you, even if it isn't something your spouse would want to spend money on. Rather than getting upset at each other, you can be at peace knowing that your spouse saved up their own personal money week by week to purchase that item/food/experience that they really wanted. We also find that having a specific category for this really helps us save money! For example, in our single days, there really wasn't a limit to how much money we could spend on eating on campus, books, or other things. But now with this budget, we are more deliberate in how we spend our money. It also gives you an opportunity to surprise your spouse by spending money on them! Sometimes I like to pick up my husband's favorite treat for him, or sometimes he surprises me by taking me out to eat. Or maybe one of you saves up to buy tickets so you can go to a play together. It makes those things more special to us because we know that our spouse sacrificed some of their own personal money to do something special for us.
-Date night once every week! It can be anything! It's great to take turns each week planning the date night.
Our date nights are often simple things, like playing board games, going on a picnic walk, renting a movie, playing tennis, strolling through the BYU library, reading our childhood journals and laughing at the funny things we said, etc. Occasionally one of us will save up some of our personal money to surprise the other to go out and do something unexpected. Some couples might choose to make a specific category in their budget for date night. It just depends on what you like as a couple! We became so predictable in our dates at one point, that my sister actually guessed where we would be (at the tennis court) and found us there! ("They'll either be playing a board game, watching a movie, or playing tennis tonight. So there's a 33.33% chance that we will see them at the tennis court.") But we like doing some of the same things again and again.
These are just a few things, but in my opinion are some of the best pieces of advice.
Some people may have thought it was a bit over the top, but before getting married (and in our early marriage), I was enrolled in a marriage prep. class at BYU, my fiance was attending a marriage prep. institute class (a religious class held outside of the regular university hours), we were attending a marital workshop together, I was enrolled in a Family Finance class, we took an Eternal Family class together, I took a Strengthening Marriage and Family class, we read books, and basically took advantage of every opportunity we could to prepare. And I'm grateful for every single one of those little things we did! I don't regret any of it, and none of it was a waste of time. It was all worth it!
We just had our first anniversary about a month ago, so we are still newbies at marriage, and there are millions (billions) of people who have more experience than us! But I've been thinking about this post for a while now, and I thought that maybe it is worth writing. Maybe it can help someone who is beginning, or preparing for, their own marriage. Or maybe it could help someone who has been married for years! Who knows! Our marriage is far from perfect, and we're learning every day, but I can wholeheartedly and honestly say that our marriage is joyful!
Here is some of the BEST advice we received/learned in our marriage preparation:
-Pray together every morning and night. (And holding hands while praying is great:) )
This may sound basic (and maybe you've heard it a thousand times), but hearing your spouse pray for you and your family, your goals, your dreams, your struggles, is such a unifying experience. It really glues you together and helps you become one with each other.
-Read "And They Were Not Ashamed" by Laura M. Brotherson.
There are other great books like this one too, but this one is highly recommended by many, and was the best recommendation given from my own marriage prep. instructors. It teaches about what I believe is true intimacy- a combination of spiritual, emotional, and physical oneness. If you are in the dating/engagement phase, it would be best to read this book individually. If you are married, it's great to read it together!
-Be totally transparent with your finances. Create a budget and stick to it. is excellent for creating a budget together. It makes it super easy to be transparent with your finances. ("Transparent" meaning that you hide nothing from each other.) You can both log in to your account any time and see what's in your bank accounts and what transactions have been made. Then you can categorize the transactions right into your different budget categories.
-Create a "Personal Money" category for each of you in your budget. My family finance teacher called it "Mad Money" (I'm not really sure why...Hahahaha). The idea is that each of you gets a little allowance each week or month (however you set it up). It could be however much you both agree on. As small as 4$ a week, or less or more. You are each allowed to do whatever you want to with your personal money. As my teacher stated it, "As long as it's moral and legal." You can save up your money to buy something you want, or you can spend it often on little things like vending machine snacks (hahaha, that was one of my favorite ways to spend it while I was a full-time student on campus. ...I could never seem to pack enough food to last me the whole day). Each person having their own personal money can prevent a lot of conflict. Many know that finances can be a source of strain in a marriage. When you each have some personal money, it gives you some independence and the freedom to choose how to spend your own money. It also can prevent arguments ("You spent our money on what????"). This way you can buy something that is valuable to you, even if it isn't something your spouse would want to spend money on. Rather than getting upset at each other, you can be at peace knowing that your spouse saved up their own personal money week by week to purchase that item/food/experience that they really wanted. We also find that having a specific category for this really helps us save money! For example, in our single days, there really wasn't a limit to how much money we could spend on eating on campus, books, or other things. But now with this budget, we are more deliberate in how we spend our money. It also gives you an opportunity to surprise your spouse by spending money on them! Sometimes I like to pick up my husband's favorite treat for him, or sometimes he surprises me by taking me out to eat. Or maybe one of you saves up to buy tickets so you can go to a play together. It makes those things more special to us because we know that our spouse sacrificed some of their own personal money to do something special for us.
-Date night once every week! It can be anything! It's great to take turns each week planning the date night.
Our date nights are often simple things, like playing board games, going on a picnic walk, renting a movie, playing tennis, strolling through the BYU library, reading our childhood journals and laughing at the funny things we said, etc. Occasionally one of us will save up some of our personal money to surprise the other to go out and do something unexpected. Some couples might choose to make a specific category in their budget for date night. It just depends on what you like as a couple! We became so predictable in our dates at one point, that my sister actually guessed where we would be (at the tennis court) and found us there! ("They'll either be playing a board game, watching a movie, or playing tennis tonight. So there's a 33.33% chance that we will see them at the tennis court.") But we like doing some of the same things again and again.
(One of our favorite ways to spend personal money and date nights!)
These are just a few things, but in my opinion are some of the best pieces of advice.
Marriage is AWESOME!
Monday, January 9, 2017
Celebrating! 1st Anniversary and Christmas
What a great holiday season and break!
Here's a summary of some of our holiday fun in photos:
WE CELEBRATED OUR 1ST ANNIVERSARY!! What a wonderful year :)
Here's a summary of some of our holiday fun in photos:
WE CELEBRATED OUR 1ST ANNIVERSARY!! What a wonderful year :)
We ate:
We felt:
New tradition:
Our new tradition is to pick out a new snowman on our anniversary each year. The one on the left is from last year (just married!) and the one on the right is from this year (1st anniversary and 1st Christmas as new parents).
Homemade Christmas Tree:
Family Christmas Card (made by my mom) :
Baby Santa:
Tons of Snow:
Eli's First Christmas:
My wonderful husband goes on walks with me, even when it's freezing cold:
Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas season!!
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