Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26: Happiest Days!

Hi family!

I'm a little short on time today! But a picture says a thousand words, right?

Saturday and Sunday could not have been happier. Seeing Brother M be baptized and confirmed was more wonderful than I can say. The confirmation prayer and the baptism were so beautiful. Miracle after miracle after miracle this week. After Brother M was confirmed in Sacrament meeting, I was sitting next to him in gospel principles. The teacher gave him a "Preparing to Enter the Holy Temple" pamphlet, and throughout that lesson, he was flipping through it and looking at the pictures. When he got to the picture of the Celestial Room in the Salt Lake Temple, he stopped or a long, long time. He just looked at it, with light in his eyes, and then he had tears in his eyes. He said to me, "I have to go there."

I've never been more happy. There is no way to express it.

God's love is the most desirable above all things and the most joyous to the soul! (1 Nephi 11: 22-23)

We taught a first lesson in American Sign Language (...with help from the pamphlet!!) this week.

Miracles are everywhere!

I love y'all!
   Sister Greenall

Here is a taste of Austin. Every night we have the most amazing sunsets!

I love my companions!! This is Brother M's famous earring. About a month or so ago, this earring was preventing him from being baptized. His heart has been so changed that when his earring broke, and we offered to fix it, he trusted us! He gave us his special earring! It was in pieces and the links had come apart. Shortly after we had offered to fix it, he surprised us by telling us that he had decided he was willing to give up wearing his earring! But he said he wouldn't give up his hair (we told him to please keep his hair!). We fixed the earring and gave it back to him a few days before his baptism. We were surprised on his baptism day when he showed up with his chain earring in. But I knew he would be true to his word when he said he would give up wearing it. So we didn't say anything. When he went to change into his baptismal suit, he came out without his earring in, and he hasn't worn it since. He has truly given everything and has committed to following Christ and being a part of church.

milagres cada dia!


May 19: Tudo Bem!

Hello Family!

It has been another wonderful week!

Danica! Happy Birthday tomorrow! I can't believe my "little" sister is turning 19!

Sister T and I received our new companion and trainee, Sister Jo! We love her dearly!

On Monday, we went to Taste of Ethiopia. Sister T and I keep seeing it and decided that we would go on our last p-day of the transfer, as either a "it was a great time together" lunch or a "farewell" lunch.

On Tuesday we had the greatest phone call-lesson ever with Brother M! On Sunday when he told us he wanted to get baptized and asked what he needed to do, we gave him all the pamphlets of the commandments! (that's the kind of person Brother M is. He really does his research!) So on Tuesday we called him and asked if he had read them- of course he had and remembered everything! And he committed to live each of the commandments right there on the phone! Also, that morning I had did my morning study with the question of how we could help Brother M to accept a priesthood blessing. He had never agreed to receive one before, because although he wanted one, he feels he can't accept something without giving back to that individual. While I was studying about the priesthood, it became very clear in my mind that Brother M would one day BE a priesthood holder! Things started falling into place in my mind, and I realized that he could one day serve others as a priesthood holder. For some reason the idea had never occurred to me until then! So Sister T and I realized that the way to help Brother M accept a priesthood blessing was by helping him realize that he needs to prepare to be a priesthood holder so that he can serve others. We talked to him about it on the phone and it was great! He said he would gladly receive a priesthood blessing that night.

So On Tuesday night we met at a member's home and two priesthood holders came. We taught about the priesthood, then Brother M received a priesthood blessing. It was so beautiful and the Spirit was so pure and strong in the room. After the blessing I could see more light than ever in Brother M's eyes, and he sincerely thanked the priesthood holders as well as the member whose home we were at and Sister T and I. He is so filled with gratitude and is so humble these days. And there is a visible difference about him. He really has so much light now. I know that it will be permanent and increase even more when he receives the gift of the Holy Ghost.

I have been studying charity more recently. I know, and I love that, charity is literally a gift from God! I have felt that. It sometimes seems to spring up out of nowhere. I remember the first time I met Brother M and how that love just overcame me, even though I knew nothing about him! God blesses us with love for those we serve, and it is a love that is so hard to explain.

I like how Preach My Gospel explains it.
"When you are filled with charity, you obey God's commandments and do all you can to serve others and help them receive the restored gospel... Charity is a gift from God. ...You will come to feel a sincere concern for the eternal welfare and happiness of other people. You will see them as children of God with the potential of becoming like our Heavenly Father, and you will labor in their behalf. ..You will try to understand them and their points of view. You will be patient with them and try to help them when they are struggling or discouraged... You will develop charity as you look for opportunities to serve others and give of yourself." (pg. 118)

On Sunday we had ward conference. I love what the bishop said during his talk. We should never assume that Salvation will be or should be easy. It was not easy for our captain, so why should it or would it be easy each of us, the passengers. A member of the Stake Presidency spoke about the pearl of great price spoken of in the Bible. He testified that we are the pearls of great price, and that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ see us as so valuable that they would do anything to have us! Our value is determined by the price that was paid for us. Heavenly Father and our Savior have paid that price, and it is fixed. Our value to Them will never decrease or be diminished.

I have never experienced or felt more happiness in my life than I have in these past few weeks.

"The Lord will reward and richly bless you as you humbly and prayerfully serve Him. More happiness awaits you than you have ever experienced as you labor among His children." (Preach My Gospel, first presidency message.)

I know that my Savior lives. This is His true church. I've realized that the more I love the people here, the more bold I become- the more I try to take out any extra fluff to what I say, and the more I strive to help others make and keep commitments. God has made the gospel so clear. He wants EVERYONE to understand it so that they can be an agent and make correct choices.

I know that one of the greatest things we can learn to do is to follow righteous leaders and examples. Even Jesus Christ, the greatest Leader to walk the Earth, was a perfect Follower to a Righteous Example. He always acknowledged his Father and that he only did what he saw his Father do.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, this is my gospel; and ye know the things that ye must do in my church; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do; for that which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do;" (The Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi 27: 21)

Thank you for all you do and for your prayers and support! I love y'all!

-Sister [Erica] Greenall (I won't be able to just sign "Sister Greenall" for much longer!)

May 12: Happiest Week

Hello family!

This was the happiest week. I think yesterday was probably the happiest day of my life!

On Tuesday we had our first ever Sister's Conference and got to go to the temple! Jo was baptized on Friday and received the gift of the Holy Ghost yesterday! Brother M came to the baptism!

On Sunday he came to church (even though he really should have been in the hospital) and during Sacrament meeting he told me he wanted to talk to us. After Sacrament meeting he told us he prayed, and even though he couldn't feel anything except the intense pain (his health situation is getting worse), he told us, "but I think- no, I KNOW, that this is the only way for me. It is true. There is no way that this couldn't all be true. I've done my research, and the foundation is firm." Brother M wants to be baptized. That is the biggest miracle I have ever seen in my entire life. I've never been so happy.

The work is good! I know the gospel is true and that Christ lives. This church cannot be proven false because just like Brother M said, it is built on a true, firm, and unbreakable foundation, Jesus Christ. This is His church.

Have a great week!

    Sister Greenall

PS: Sister T and I got a phone call from President Slaughter last night! We are both staying and receiving a brand new missionary to train! I couldn't be happier!!

May 5: The Miracle of Prayer


It has been another wonderful week in the mission field. I'm so blessed to be in Austin, Texas!!

This week on Friday Jo will be baptized.

There have been so many miracles this week, but the one that stands out is the miracle of seeing a Child find a Parent....

Brother M is going through some extreme trials. I can't imagine experiencing the pain and loss that he faces. Through the physical trials, though his body grows weaker, his spirit has been growing and becoming stronger in miraculous ways. There are many people and experiences that tie me to Texas, but over and over again I am amazed at our experiences with Brother M.

In District meeting this week, we were talking with our district to seek new ideas of how to approach helping Brother M to pray. As we were asking, the thought came to me: "Why not just write a letter to God?" So when we were able to meet with Brother M this week, and he asked, "How would you recommend overcoming the prayer block?" We suggested the idea to him of writing a letter. To our surprise, he said, "...That's not a bad idea."

He has had some difficult experiences with prayer in his life which has created a brick wall when it comes to prayer. But as we talked to him, we could see so much humility in him, and a sincere desire to connect with his Father. Brother M is very thorough in his research so when we extend commitments he mostly says "We'll see..." This time, we asked if he would write a prayer in letter form. He said, "We'll see..." We said, "Brother M, WILL you write a letter to God?" He said, "Y'all are very persistent. Yes, I will attempt."

At the end of the lesson, he said something along the lines of, "I have to say... For years, the men from another church have talked to me and taught me. I never learned anything. I gained knowledge. But it went in one ear and out the other. But when you two teach... it doesn't go out the other ear. It's incredible!"

That past week he sent us a text and asked us if he could come to church!! We asked him what inspired him to do that, and he said, "...a thought, a feeling. It's not like me!" We testified of the Holy Ghost, and he is accepting of the answers we give him. He is feeling the Holy Ghost and understanding it!

Today he sent us a copy of that prayer he wrote. Miracles are everywhere! God loves His children so much! He knows each of them! And after all of the things we tried to teach Brother M to satisfy his desire for intellectual concepts and principles, the only thing he has really needed to know is that he is a child of God. That knowledge changes lives and people!

I love this gospel with all my heart. I know it is true! Christ lives.

Have a wonderful week!

   Sister Greenall

Apr 28: How y'all doin?


It was so great to get your emails! I have been pondering and learning about the temple so much this past week. It makes me so happy to know that y'all were in the temple on Friday together. I love knowing that each member of my immediate family has been endowed and that my parents were sealed in the temple. My family, all y'all, and the gospel are the greatest blessings in my life!

"In the Church we build buildings of many kinds. In them we worship, we teach, we find recreation, we organize. We can organize stakes and wards and missions and quorums and Relief Societies in these buildings or even in rented halls. But, when we organize families according to the order that the Lord has revealed, we organize them in temples."
-Preparing ot Enter the Holy Temple, pg. 1

Sister T got bitten by chiggers! We have had lots of Texan cultural experiences these past transfers... Maybe Danica will have some of the same!

My tooth is good as new! I can hardly even tell it was ever chipped! Mom, thank you so much for providing the insurance information and making sure my card had money on it.

We had a great lesson with Ja on Monday! But towards the end of this week he told us he wouldn't be meeting with us anymore. We also got a voicemail from G's daughter (she wasn't there for our first lesson with them, and was just walking in as we were walking out) saying they were going to cancel our return appointment and wouldn't be rescheduling. So we have lost several of the new investigators, but we know that Heavenly Father can lead us to more! (or lead more to us! Like in A's case.)

We met several people at their doors this week who were under the influence... I know that the Word of Wisdom is an eternal principle! When we care for our bodies, we are able to be more in tune with the Spirit. In Preach My Gospel pg. 96 "The Spirit does not get our attention by shouting or shaking us with a heavy hand. Rather it whispers. It caresses so gently that if we are preoccupied we may not feel it at all. (No wonder that the Word of Wisdom was revealed to us, for how could the drunkard or the addict feel such a voice?) Occasionally it will press just firmly enough for us to pay heed. But most of the time, if we do not heed the gentle feeling, the Spirit will withdraw and wait until we come seeking and listening and say in our manner and expression, like Samuel of ancient times, 'Speak [Lord], for thy servant heareth.' (1 Sam. 3:10.) -The Candle of the Lord," Ensign, Jan. 1983,52. "

I know that we will have our bodies forever! I'm so grateful that Jesus Christ overcame death, so that we can also through Him.

"After we have passed through this life, we will have our bodies glorified, made free from every sickness and distress, and rendered most beautiful. There is nothing more beautiful to look upon than a resurrected man or woman. There is nothing grander that I can imagine that a man [or woman] can possess than a resurrected body. There is no latter-day saint...but that certainly has this prospect of coming forth in the morning of the first resurrection and being glorified, exalted in the presence of God." -President Lorenzo Snow, Oct. 1900.

We had family home evening with Ti, Tr, Jo, and Little K. They are doing so well! Jo will be baptized on May 10th. Ti, Jo, and Little K came to church yesterday for all 3 hours! For the first time! Ti has weekends off now! (Tr is also very receptive but works on Sundays) What a miracle! They loved it! Jo was whisked away to young women's class by the other girls, and Little K got to go to nursery!

We had a wonderful lesson this week with Ch and Sa about temples and being sealed as families. Charlie said he will be baptized one day.

I love these people! I know that our Savior lives. He loves these people! Ni bore her testimony (she was asked to give a talk/testimony) in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. She is on fire! She is so converted to the Lord! She bore her testimony of how she sees Christ in the people of the church and in the missionaries. I also see Christ in the members of this church and in the church leaders. Mi is going through a rough time. She is in difficult circumstances, but I have seen the concern of the ward members, and have heard countless stories of them doing all they can to help her. I learn more about my Savior through the examples of the ward members here, and of y'all back home!

I love these sisters! (Sister Ro, me, Sister T, Sister Wh....I'm pretty sure Sister Wh is actually my cousin Sister J Greenall in disguise!)

There is so much joy in doing the work of the Lord! We are blessed!

I love y'all!
Have a wonderful week in the beautiful state of Virginia!
Com amor,
      - Sister Greenall

PS: There is a brother in our ward who is doing a PhD in Spanish and Portuguese. He helped me with my pronunciation while we were at a dinner appointment with his family... nazalizing is my current challenge. It seems the few times I have heard true portuguese from native or advanced speakers, the contrast between their portuguese and mine has been striking! haha! It's been so great! I love learning Portuguese! And I look forward to meeting the people of Belem Brazil one day! Texas is THE BEST! Danica is going to love it!


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Apr 21: Otra Semana de Milagres

Hi family!

The time is flying by faster than ever!

We have had another miracle week.

On Monday evening we decided to try and meet a former investigator. We went to their complex, knocked on their door, but there was no answer. I felt like we should knock a few more doors. So I chose a few and Sister T chose a few. We met some nice people but none that were interested. We were about to go and we felt we should do one more door. There was no answer, but as we turned to go back to the car, there was a man walking by with his dog, taking his trash out. We talked to him, and he accepted a Book of Mormon, was interested, and set up a return appointment! His name was Ja and he was very nice! He said "I think yall knocked on my door!" It turns out he was the first door we had knocked (where the former investigator used to live), but he had been sleeping. Our knock woke him up and so he decided to take his trash out and walk his dog. God works in mysterious ways!

On Wednesday we had Zone Conference. Our zone and one other met and we were able to receive training from President S and other leader missionaries (sister training leader leaders and assistants to the president).

It was incredible and Sister T and I learned so many things which we are working to apply in our teaching.

Friday and Saturday were finding days for us. We spent the days knocking on streets we have never ventured to before, and working through our area book, trying to meet potentials and formers.

Sunday was an Easter miracle day.

Ja came to church!

Later, after church, we decided to visit a member who lives with a nonmember. As we pulled up to their apartment complex, the gates were closed, and we had no way of getting in, so we decided to go to our other location first instead.

We went back to the same complex about an hour later, and this time, the car right in front of us on the street turned into the complex and opened the gate. (coincidence? No way!) So we were able to enter the complex. When we arrived at the building where the member lived...we were surprised to see the member outside on the sidewalk, walking her dog. She was talking to her friend who was on the second floor out on her porch! The member saw us and said to her friend "These are my missionary friends from church!" The member's friend, Je, told us about how they were just talking about how instead of celebrating Easter, Je had ended up having a funeral for her youngest son. We asked if we could share a message with her. She said yes and invited us to come up.

We went up the stairs, found her apartment, knocked, and she let us right in. Her granddaughter, Cr and her friend (both young adults), were right inside the door, watching a tv show and doing their hair. Je welcomed us into the living room and had us sit down on the couch.

We invited the other two to join us, but they didn't really respond. We prayed with Je and began, but I felt like we really needed Cr and her friend to join us. We invited them again and asked Je if they would like to join us. Finally they came and turned the tv off. They were really the sweetest girls! We started again with a prayer. It was Cr's father who had passed away.

In the next 45 minutes, we taught the Plan of Salvation (which they loved and instantly accepted) and then the Restoration. There isn't really any way to describe the experience, except that it was exactly like the experiences outlined in Preach My Gospel! We just followed what we had learned from Preach My Gospel, and these three incredible ladies showed the exact responses that Preach My Gospel teaches that prepared people will have! They loved everything we taught them! They expressed the feelings of love and peace they were feeling. They wanted the Book of Mormon! Cr asked after the lesson, "what can we keep and read? These pamphlets?" We said "Yes, but actually, we want you to read the Book of Mormon!"

Cr said: :"Are you going to give that book to me?" she pointed to the one we had showed her. We said, "Yes!" She said, "Good! Otherwise I was going to download it on my phone or get it somehow!"

All three committed to baptism on a specific day in May. Before we even invited her, Cr said she would come to church next Sunday. Je testified that God had sent us to them, and Sister T testified "Yes, we know He has."

God lives! He works in mysterious ways!

I know that in comparison to His efforts and works, ours are nothing! (The contrast between what was accomplished in our 2 days of solid knocking and the miraculous things he did in guiding us to these 3 of His children is so clear!) But I know that all He asks us is that we give our best. He just asks for our best efforts, and He does the rest. I know that it is because Sister T and I gave our best in trying to find people to teach that the Lord was able to guide us to and trust us with these precious souls. I know that it is through His strength that we can do all things and witness miracles. I'm so grateful to be a firsthand witness of His miracles.

I know that Christ lives! I know that He died and was resurrected, and that He lives today. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His Church and the only church on the earth with His authority and the FULLNESS of His gospel. We are blessed!

Sister Greenall

Apr 14: Oi!

Hi Family!

It's been an incredible week.

A's baptism was so beautiful! She is doing so well. Once again, my favorite part of the baptism and confirmation was the confirmation the next day in Sacrament meeting when she received the gift of the Holy Ghost!

She even let us take one picture before the baptism! (She really dislikes taking pictures!) But she let us take it on the agreement that it would not be posted on the internet! So this picture is only for personal viewing, not for sharing! :)

The blue bonnets are everywhere! They are beautiful!

Today it has been thundering and pouring, with flashes of lightening! Pretty exciting! The 44 degrees feel so cold. I think I will have to live in tropical climates for the rest of my life.

B and S surprised us with these bracelets one day. They are so kind! My family has grown significantly since coming to Texas.

Here are some wise words from President today, "You must realize that the devil does not care what people believe, as long as what they believe is not the truth. Hence the reason there are so many churches."

We are going to B and S's house today to do some service, so I look forward to that!

Some miracles this week:

We met several incredible people while knocking on some doors!

We went to teach M with her grandmother (who is a member) again. We were reading from Moroni 7 and discussing how God makes the truth so clear. He makes good and evil as clear as black and white. On the other hand, Satan, and the world, will try to make everything gray.

After we finished that chapter, I felt impressed to pull out the word of wisdom pamphlet from my purse. We began teaching her the Word of Wisdom. After she read the list of things to refrain from doing, she laughed a little and told us she does all of those things. She is in her late teenage years and talked about how she wouldn't want to commit to something like that before she even turns 21.

Sister T began to lovingly express to her the benefits of making those decisions now. The Spirit started testifying to me of my responsibility as a missionary. I felt a huge responsibility to make everything as clear as night and day to her. I saw in my mind an idea of where she could be 30 or so years from then based on the decisions she makes now, and how those decisions would affect her eternally. I've never been so bold in my life! The Spirit was so powerful, I just opened my mouth, and I know that the things I said were the things the Holy Ghost wanted M to know. I told her about how I had just turned 21, and how my parents wrote to me that they were so pleased with me to know where I was as a 21 year old, compared to where I could be. I testified of the joy I find serving God and following His commandments. I testified that we were representatives of Jesus Christ, and that if we left her thinking drinking was ok, we would be lying. I testified that drinking is in no way acceptable, that God does not allow any sin. I testified that nothing is worth giving up the things God has to offer. God taught me in that experience of the power and authority of my calling as a missionary. The Spirit that was there was not from me, but from God. M at first took it lightly, but as I began to testify, the mood changed, and I could tell she took the message seriously. By the end of the lesson, she committed to live the Word of Wisdom for the entire week.

The thing that impressed me most about that experience was that afterward, I realized that the feeling that had filled me and that was so strong as I testified, was God's love for M. While I was speaking boldly, the only thing I felt for her was love, not anger or anything else. I know that M felt that because when she closed the lesson with a prayer, she thanked God for sending her "friends, the missionaries" and for our and her grandma's support as she tries to live the word of wisdom.

I learned for myself that God chastens, corrects, and is bold with us because He loves us so deeply. He knows and sees the dangers ahead of us, and He wants us to avoid those painful situations and eternal consequences. His love for us is a miracle!!!

The next day I also came across this verse in the Book of Mormon as Alma is teaching his son Corianton: "And now, my son, I would to God that ye had not been guilty of so great a crime. I would not dwell upon your crimes, to harrow up your soul, if it were not for your good." -Alma 39:7

Another miracle!: Yesterday on Sunday, we didn't have a dinner planned, and during church a member asked us if they had us for dinner that night. I told him no, but he asked if we had a dinner planned. I told him we didn't, but that we would be alright. He invited us to their home for dinner, and when we got there, they had also invited their nonmember neighbors over! wow!!

After that we were able to meet with Brother M in the park! A member came with us, and she was the perfect fit for him because she is so peaceful and kind and doesn't get defensive about her beliefs. It was such a good meeting. Brother M had a neck brace on and couldn't use his right arm. His health is not good. He was only able to meet with us because he had some acupuncture done so he doesn't feel the pain right now. But while his health is struggling, I am amazed by his spiritual growth and how he has completely changed!

After that lesson at the park, we went to try B and S's. We hadn't been able to get a hold of them. They are going through a lot of health challenges also. By a miracle, we knocked on the door and they answered! They let us in to pray with them.

I love the people here! I am so blessed to be serving as a representative of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

I know that my Savior lives. I know that He truly felt and experienced every pain, doubt, fear, depression, guilt, sickness, anxiety, fatigue, joy, peace, love, hope that we have ever experienced. He knows us perfectly and I am so grateful for that.

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Sister Greenall

Apr 7: General Conference Week!

Oi! todo o mundo!

This week was wonderful! This week we made a specific effort to be more focused on our goals and to set goals we sincerely believed we could achieve with the Lord. As a result the Lord has blessed us and we have seen miracles!

Here are some wise words from President S, our mission president, that I wanted to share:


Today (yesterday, by the time you read this) we recognize our 184th anniversary as a Church. We began officially on 6 April 1830 in Fayette, New York. Although approximately 30-50 people crowded into the small living room of the Whitmer home that historic day, there were only six official members. These were Joseph Smith Jr., Oliver Cowdery, Hyrum Smith, Peter Whitmer Jr., Samuel H. Smith, and David Whitmer.

Since that day, the Church has grown exponentially. We are not just six anymore! We number more than 15 million living members, but that does not include the innumerable host of saints that have accepted the gospel and have been confirmed vicariously into the restored church. Hurrah for Israel!

Now that we have had the privilege of participating in the 184th Annual General Conference and to have heard counsel from the Lord’s Prophets, Seers, and Revelators, we have a choice to make. We can either be "quick to observe," or we can be "quick to forget" (Mormon 1:2; Alma 46:8). Let us choose wisely that we may receive the blessings that are held in reserve for the true followers of Christ.

...The most miraculous evidence of faith found in holy writ was when the brother of Jared "COULD NOT BE KEPT from beholding within the veil" (Ether 3:19). He broke the veil. Please note that the veil was not parted by the Lord, nor opened simply because the brother of Jared asked on bended knee; rather, it was "broken by faith"–"for so great was his faith in God, that when God put forth his finger HE COULD NOT HIDE IT from the brother of Jared" (Ether 12:20).

The citizens of Enoch’s City had a similar level of faith. It did not come all at once, but "in process of time" they became a perfectly unified people and were taken into heaven (Moses 7:21). Some blessings are meant to be received on an individual basis; some are to be received as we become a unified people. (For example, conversion is an individual experience, but exaltation is a family affair.) Enoch’s people experienced unspeakable miracles, not because a few individuals attained an elevated level of faith and righteousness, rather because the entire city "were of one heart and one mind" and they all "dwelt in righteousness" (Moses 7:18).

In fact, long after Enoch’s City was taken, there arose holy men of like faith who also desired to attain the blessings of Zion, but could not because their fellow citizens were not ready for such blessings (D&C 45:12-13).

If we are to attain new heights in this mission, then we must, we ALL must, be of one heart and one mind and dwell in righteousness. The Prophet Joseph wisely taught: "The greatest temporal and spiritual blessings, which always come from faithfulness and concerted effort, never attended individual exertion or enterprise."

This requirement of being a unified body of servants, instead of a select-heroic few, is a foundational principle of your patriarchal blessing. Many search within their patriarchal blessing for the things that make them particularly special; they look for unique blessings that others might not have; or they seek to know if they will play a significant individual role in the church or in life. These things may be mentioned in your patriarchal blessing; however, they are secondary. The greatest of blessings bestowed upon you through your patriarch has less to do with your individual foreordination and more to do with your collective foreordination. A declaration of your Abrahamic lineage is a declaration that you were foreordained "as a people" (as a tribe) to bless the nations of the earth (Abraham 2:9-11). You have received the promise, long before you were born, to be part of the team, to be God’s angelic mortal messengers.


I love that in order to attain new heights and witness further miracles, we must become united! I love the principle that exaltation is a family matter. The reason we strengthen ourselves individually is so that we can help our families and all of God's children to return to His presence. Like Sister T always says, when we return to God, we want "no empty seats!!"

B and S's hearts and minds are changing as we have dedicated time several times this past week to prayerfully studying the Book of Mormon. We are working on shortening our lessons and doing more frequent visits and the results have been incredible! B has changed his prayers from phrases like "help us all to find truth" with an attitude of not wanting to be deceived, to "help us to learn from this book of scripture, like the Bible. We didn't know about it before, but we are grateful you sent these people to teach us about Thy word." Isn't that a miracle?? Sometimes we can't get B to peel his eyes away from the Book of Mormon long enough to discuss the things we have read up to that point!

Brother M is in contact with us, but going through trying times. While out of the city for medical tests, he fell and injured his neck. A miracle though, is that when we extended the invitation via phone for him to watch general conference - to hear the words of living apostles and prophets, even though he was in a lot of pain, he said he was honored to be invited to attend such an event and would listen to the talks even though he wouldn't be able to watch with us because of his neck injury.

We got to watch the first session of conference with recent convert, Ni! What an incredible experience! She had come with a question, like we asked her to. And by the time Elder Holland spoke (first or second talk of the entire conference??) she was looking at us asking "Is this really happening???" He answered her question!

We watched the second session on Saturday with the So family!

On Sunday we watched the first session with recent convert J, and his cousin Fe! Who really enjoyed it! Fo, Fe's husband who is Muslim sent us home with lunch afterward! Such a kind family!

Sunday evening we went to the church to watch the last session.

I loved Elder Bednar's talk! The load is what gave them the traction to get unstuck! I know that this life truly is about progression, learning, and repentance. We can find purpose, meaning, and joy as we are able to learn and become more like our Father. I am grateful that He allows us to experience loads, so that we can have enough traction to keep moving forward.

A's baptism is coming up next Saturday! She watched conference in members' homes both days! I can't wait to hear what she thought of it!

We met with the H Family! We hadn't had contact with Ti in months! On Wednesday we decided to stop by her house. She was out on the porch with little K (almost 2 year old)! She was happy to see us! She happily set up a return appointment with us! And she told us that she was getting a better position in her job and would have weekends of off work starting in a couple of weeks. She said she wants to start coming to church again! The Lord is working miracles!

I find so much joy in being a member of this church. I find joy in serving my Heavenly Father's children here!

"I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy." -Alma 28:9

Our God is truly a God of miracles!

"Thou hast had signs enough... The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator." -Alma 30:44

I find it very interesting that the first "sign" Alma testifies of is the scriptures. I know that the scriptures are powerful, more powerful than the signs of the planets or earth or the creatures on the earth. There is converting power in the Book of Mormon, and in hearing from living prophets today! The Book of Mormon and the Holy Ghost that bears witness of its words are the most powerful missionary tools we have, along with our testimonies. It is so important that we constantly and consistently fortify ourselves, our testimonies, and our families by filling our lives with the words of Christ!

I testified once to Brother M that the conversion he is experiencing is a greater miracle to me than seeing the planets align, and I firmly believe that. Of all of God's creations, the greatest miracle is the conversion of His children to Christ. His work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His family.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

I love yall!
-Sister Greenall

Mar 31: Oi! Tudo Bem?


It has been a wonderful week in Texas.

The blue bonnets are blossoming! The weather is getting really warm -in the 70s and 80s, and all of a sudden one day we looked around and their were blankets of blue bonnet flowers everywhere! No wonder Texas is known for its blue bonnets..

This past week we also had an incredible day where it was 80 and suddenly got really cloudy and gray and started raining and hailing for about 15 or 20 minutes, then cleared up to the warm 80 degrees again! Texas is a fun place!

Mom, thanks for your package! The homemade cookies are so great! They have been enjoyed and shared, and there are more that are waiting to be enjoyed in the freezer. Mmmmm. I'm also so grateful for the face wash, etc. you sent! Thank you!!

This past week has been a bit unusual. Going to the capital with the K Family last week was fun! We have had several wonderful lessons with wonderful people. Also...On Wednesday morning we found out that all four of us sisters in our apartment had lice. ...yikes! On Monday night Sisters L and R (our housemates) had a suspicious that they might have it... So we figured we should all check. Luckily we called Sister S (our mission president's wife) and she told us exactly what to do! So unfortunately we spent that day shampooing with special shampoo, combing each others hair and getting all the lice out, washing all our clothes, sheets, etc again, and vacuuming. A true Texan experience!

It was such a relief to get back to work on Thursday. Sister T and I both noticed that although we were being productive and were busy on Wednesday, something was missing!!! There is such a special spirit that comes from being dedicated full time to sharing the gospel. A day without that made the contrast of the special spirit that accompanies us to share the gospel and the satisfaction we find in doing the Lord's work even more clear. What a blessing to be a missionary!!!

We received our transfer calls last night! Sister T and I are staying and receiving a new companion! We will be in a trio! The moving elders showed up at our door one day with a new bed! We thought that either one of our beds was too old...or that maybe they had found out about the lice. When we asked them why we were getting a new bed they told us there would be a trio in the apartment. They then asked which room was Merrilltown's! Last night it was confirmed by the transfer call that we are staying here and receiving a new companion!!

I love the people here so much! The investigators have been progressing! I am so excited to help these people continue to prepare for baptism, and to help them prepare to receive some of the greatest blessings they have enjoyed up to this point in their lives!

A is being baptized on the 12th of April and I am so excited to be able to be here! Do also agreed to pray and ponder about being baptized on the 26th. Ever since the first day we talked and she pointed out to us that she hadn't been baptized by priesthood authority, baptism has been on her mind a lot.

I have been in this area for... almost 6 months now? And I feel so blessed! I love knowing the members here! (and Sister T and I can find our way around easily now!) I love the investigators here and I look forward to meeting new people! It's especially hard to explain how much I love the converts here. This is such a wonderful area to be serving and there are so many miracles in store.

Life is so good!

I hope you each have a wonderful week!

Eu amo voces!
-Sister Greenall

Mar 24: Another Great Week!

Oi Familia,

It was another wonderful week.

We have seen so many miracles as we have tried finding and teaching in different ways.

We've seen Tr several times this week! We are regaining contact with the H Family! We haven't seen Ti yet, but we have seen J and Tr. Tr was really excited to see us when we stopped by. He said we should come by again and contact Ti to know when a good day is.

We met an incredible woman named Co! We went to try to visit Q and J (we taught them a few times several months ago and lost contact), and Co answered. She was a friend of theirs who was staying with them for a while. She was so open to learning. We taught her the first lesson right there on her doorstep and she agreed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. She has been searching through different religions for a while, and is an honest seeker of truth. I'm excited for her to read the Book of Mormon!

We had an incredible lesson with M! She is a young adult and it was incredible to see how her attitude changed as we read through the chapter. The Spirit became stronger and stronger, and by the end she told us about how she had felt the "warm and fuzzy" feeling as she read and that she really liked it!

A is progressing really well. She is going to be baptized on April 12th now, instead of the 26th, so that's great!

On Wednesday night an appointment fell through. We tried so hard to contact B and S, but turns out they had forgotten about the appointment and weren't ready to meet. So we felt like we should try by Brother M's house. We hadn't been teaching Brother M for the past 2 weeks. We decided to give him time because he was having some setbacks.

When we drove by his house, Sister T said, "Park! Park! He's getting out of his car!" So we hurried and parked and went to talk to him. He was so happy to see us! It was so neat to see his face light up! He told us that something had been missing from his life for the past 2 weeks. Then he told us he knew the things missing were the things we were teaching him. We testified of the gift of the Holy Ghost. He finally said, "Oh, is that what it is?" Kind of jokingly , because we had tried explaining it to him so many times before and now he finally understood! We were able to have a wonderful discussion with him right there and testify again of the restoration of the gospel (he said, " used the word restored. What do you mean by that?") and the Plan God has for His children. We could tell that this time he was understanding even more!

He is out of town for the next few weeks for doctor tests, etc. But it is so wonderful to have contact with him again! As we talked he asked us several questions- referring to experiences he has had. Including, how could God let such awful things happen to good people and why doesn't He stop it? As we spoke with him, stories from the Book of Mormon kept coming to my mind and I was able to testify using the Book of Mormon. It occurred to me that ALL of the answers to his questions are found in the Book of Mormon.

I have spent a significant amount of time studying Alma chapters 14 and 24 this week. They are such powerful chapters. We sent these chapters to Brother M. He has had almost identical experiences while serving in the Navy for 20+ years.

I recommend these chapters. They are very sad, but we learn so many powerful principles from these converts' and missionaries' examples.

It's been an incredible week and we have met so many wonderful people!

I love this gospel! I love being here in Texas and teaching the people here!

Tudo bem.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Com Amor,
Sister Greenall

Mar 17:

Querida familia & amigos,

The weeks keep flying by! Before I know it, it will be June and Danica will be in the mission field!

Here are some wise words from President S, my mission president:

"He is building His kingdom; He is building us. He will not build us against our wills; we must surrender to His wisdom and grace and mercy; we must believe that He knows what He is doing, and trust in Him "perfectly" and "completely" (2 Nephi 9:23). To surrender to Him is to gain the greatest victory."

I think one of the greatest blessings that has come from my missionary service so far is the way the Lord is teaching me and helping me to understand Him more fully. I hope to be able to surrender my will to His more fully.

Last Tuesday we did exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders. Because neither my companion nor I are Spanish speaking, rather than one of them coming here and one of us going to their area (a Spanish area), they both came to our area. So we had double the missionaries working in Merrilltown that day. It was a really neat experience and we were able to talk to a lot of people and teach several lessons that day.

One miracle I have seen these past few weeks is a big increase in referrals! As we have practiced seeking referrals, made plans, and prayed specifically for help before going into dinner appointments, we have received more member referrals than I ever have on my mission! We have spent a good amount of time contacting these referrals (generally neighbors of members).

Our recent convert, Mi, has gone through some really trying times recently. On Wednesday we had been informed of some of those struggles and wanted to visit her, but had a very full schedule for that night. We were able to find about 20 minutes to stop by and visit her. When we went in, she told us what was happening and her concerns with tears in her eyes. We asked if we could kneel with her and pray. She offered the prayer and it was one of the most heartfelt, sincere prayers I have ever heard. The Spirit filled the room. It was so humbling to hear her speaking openly with her Heavenly Father and asking for His help and guidance. After she finished, I asked if I could also pray for her and her family. So we prayed again. The Spirit and God's love for Mi and her family were so tangible. Those moments humble me and remind me that the missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are truly called by a prophet of God, through inspiration, to act as representatives of Christ, and are blessed with power and authority to fulfill that calling. I'm so excited for Danica to have her own experiences as one of Christ's representatives in the Dallas mission!

I love Mi and her family so much and all the incredible people here have all have become family to me!

We are teaching a members granddaughter, M. She was going to be baptized when her father was converted when she was a really young girl. But her parents were divorced and her mom didn't allow her to go to church after that, so she fell away from that path.

It has been a miracle how she has become more receptive to learning. We had a wonderful lesson with her on Thursday night about the Plan of Salvation! The Plan of Salvation is real!!! M and her grandmother and family have a great sense of humor. they make us laugh and laugh. The grandmother was converted several years ago, and every testimony meeting she goes up and sings a few lines of a gospel song, before testifying - singing: "Oh Jesus, Walk with me." continues with testimony: "Brothers and Sisters, that's all you need! Jesus. And I share this in his name.." I love her!

We have had a few great lessons with B and S this week where they have been able to openly share some of their concerns, and we have been able to help resolve those. The Spirit is so essential in missionary work! Without the Spirit, we truly could not teach!

Our appointments with M and D's family have been getting cancelled, due to a death in the family again. We dropped by on Saturday. There was no answer when we knocked on the door, but we heard the kids inside. Then we heard the garage door opened, and the car pulled up with M, D, and A inside. We waved and smiled, and then when they got out we noticed they looked very solemn and were all wearing black. They had just come back from a funeral. It struck me how aware of them Heavenly Father is. We often show up at people's houses right at the -what seems like the wrong time- but what is actually the time when people are in the greatest need of peace. It occurred to me that Heavenly Father often tries to provide that peace for people in those moments by leading the missionaries to their door. M was about to let us into the house, but we told her if it wasn't the best time we could come back. She politely agreed to have us come back another time. Later she texted us and sincerely thanked us for being there. She said the timing wasn't good, but that she really does appreciate us. That was so kind!

Another miracle: We got to our dinner appointment on Thursday, and Sister C (who was hosting us for dinner) was leaving to go down the street to pick up some pizzas (including a gluten-free one. The members here are so kind!!). So we decided to meet a few of her neighbors. We chose a house a few down from hers. We knocked, and a girl named A opened. We told her we had a special message about Christ and asked if we could share it with her. She said yes and opened the door. We were so surprised that honestly were at a loss of words for a second! Sister C was pulling back into her driveway with the pizzas, so we knew we didn't have too much time. But we were able to set up a return appointment, and we wrote down a video for her to watch online, which she did. Of all the doors, it is such a miracle that we knocked on hers and met her! Her actions and kindness reflected that she is Christian. I've noticed that our actions truly do reflect our Christianity more than the words "I'm Christian."

Pues, this email is getting far too long. But the gospel is true! I know that Christ's gospel has been restored in its complete and perfect form, and that that gospel is found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am so grateful for my Savior! I know that this church is His, and that He appeared to Joseph Smith, that He instructed Joseph Smith to find and translate the Book of Mormon, and that He instructed those who wrote the Book of Mormon. I know that He restored His priesthood authority to the earth, and that today we can be baptized by that authority in this church. We are blessed!

I hope yall have a great week! I love you!

-Sister Greenall

Mar 10: Oi!

Confessions of a missionary blogger's mom:  due to the crazy combination of several weeks of computer repair and replacement followed by setting up my business on a new computer and all new software followed by another few especially hectic weeks.... I have gotten woefully behind on Sister Greenall's blog posts.  Thank goodness for repentance and moving on. :) Here goes!

Oi Familia & Amigos,

It has been another great week.

On Monday night our plans fell through. Sister T and I decided to try stopping by M and D's house. Sister S and I had met M just before she got transferred, and had taught her the Restoration, which she loved! We made a return appointment, but when Sister T and I went back, she wasn't home, but we got to meet her husband, D. We had tried making return appointments, but they hadn't worked out. So we dropped by on Monday night, M answered, let us right in. And then all 7 of her children came down!! About 3 minutes after we had gone in and met the family, the father gets home! So we asked if he would join us and the kids! M had been making dinner, but we asked if we could share a 5 minute message. They said yes! All the kids sat down on the floor around us, with the two parents next to us on a couch, and we taught the Plan of Salvation! It was probably one of the most beautiful moments of my mission!! Everyone listened so carefully! The kids range from 6 to 18. They have the most amazing names! We were planning on keeping the lesson short, but after we finished and asked if there were questions, the father said "Let's make this a game! Every single person will ask a question!" So we realized they weren't too worried about their dinner. Every single member of the family asked a question! They were everywhere from funny (Little 6 year old J asked a bunch, including "what if everyday was Christmas and God was Santa Claus?") to really good and thought out questions! When we were closing and taught them to pray and asked D if he would offer it, he said that every person would say a prayer. So we knelt in a circle and held hands, and every single person offered a prayer! It was the most incredible thing! I love that family!!

We continued to have a wonderful Monday evening and visited the Mo family.

On my mission I have learned more about the necessity of knowing sorrow in order to know joy.

2 Nephi 2: 13 and 15

Tuesday was the 6th month mark of my mission! And also probably the hardest day so far. But still a wonderful day. Every day is special.

On Monday night I woke up really sick. I got the stomach bug that has been going around for the last few months. It was bound to happen! Especially since it has gone around the missionaries and one of the sisters in our apartment had it a month ago. So the next morning- Tuesday- I was really sick and stayed in bed. The other sisters are so sweet! The Heritage Trail Sisters (the ward next to ours, and our housemates) got me some gluten free rice crackers, Gatorade, and some fever medicine). Sister T was so patient, having to stay inside all day would make any missionary crazy (any missionary who was more than half conscious... haha!). But also that day we got a text message from dear Brother M! ...He sent us such a thoughtful heartfelt message! It basically said that he has done several hours of study in the Doctrine & Covenants (...we told him about the word of wisdom and other baptism requirements. He had asked what was necessary to prepare for baptism...) and that he had decided he wouldn't be able to comply with all of them, due to a previous commitment he made to someone very special to him. He said it was among the most difficult decisions he has made in his life. But what really got me was the gratitude he expressed. He expressed the most sincere gratitude for the things we have taught him and the time we have spent with him. He said no one has ever helped him to come so close to peace before. He also mentioned that his "life clock" had begun ticking increasingly fast. He doesn't think he has a lot of time left, and I think that has influenced his decision to be baptized- perhaps thinking he doesn't have enough time.

But the thing that made me cry (it was the first time on my mission!) was the Spirit that touched me as Sister T read the message to me. I just felt again how much Heavenly Father loves Brother M. And the Spirit testified to me that every sacrifice made to be on a mission, and every sacrifice made to be waiting for my visa and be in Texas, and all the time spent with Brother M, and all the money spent in the visa waiting process, etc, -that all of those things were worth the sacrifice, even if Brother M was the only person I met on my mission - because Heavenly Father loves Brother M that much and desires his exaltation.

I'm so grateful to be a missionary of the Lord, Jesus Christ!

Every day I feel so blessed!

We ARE BLESSED! Somos abencoados!

Eu sei que esta Igreja e a igreja de Jesus Cristo! Sei que Ele ama o seu povo aqui na Terra. Sei que temos um profeta vivo. Sei que o templo e a casa do Senhor. Sei que a minha familia possa ser eternal!! Sei que podemos encontrar paz verdadeira por meio de Jesus Cristo, sua expiacao e seu evangelho restaurado. Sei que Jospeh Smith foi um profeta verdadeiro e chamado de Deus.

A vida e tao boa!!!

eu amo voces! Sou grata por seus oracoes e seu apoio cada dia.

(Sorry for the lack of correct Portuguese accents/etc.)

I know that this church is the church of Jesus Christ! I know that He loves his people here on the Earth. I know that we have a living prophet. I know that the temple is the house of the Lord. I know that my family can be eternal!! I know that we can find real peace through Jesus Christ, His Atonement, and His restored gospel. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and was called of God.

Life is so good!!!

I love y'all! I am grateful for your payers and support each day!

Muito amor,
Sister Greenall