Monday, May 26, 2014

Apr 28: How y'all doin?


It was so great to get your emails! I have been pondering and learning about the temple so much this past week. It makes me so happy to know that y'all were in the temple on Friday together. I love knowing that each member of my immediate family has been endowed and that my parents were sealed in the temple. My family, all y'all, and the gospel are the greatest blessings in my life!

"In the Church we build buildings of many kinds. In them we worship, we teach, we find recreation, we organize. We can organize stakes and wards and missions and quorums and Relief Societies in these buildings or even in rented halls. But, when we organize families according to the order that the Lord has revealed, we organize them in temples."
-Preparing ot Enter the Holy Temple, pg. 1

Sister T got bitten by chiggers! We have had lots of Texan cultural experiences these past transfers... Maybe Danica will have some of the same!

My tooth is good as new! I can hardly even tell it was ever chipped! Mom, thank you so much for providing the insurance information and making sure my card had money on it.

We had a great lesson with Ja on Monday! But towards the end of this week he told us he wouldn't be meeting with us anymore. We also got a voicemail from G's daughter (she wasn't there for our first lesson with them, and was just walking in as we were walking out) saying they were going to cancel our return appointment and wouldn't be rescheduling. So we have lost several of the new investigators, but we know that Heavenly Father can lead us to more! (or lead more to us! Like in A's case.)

We met several people at their doors this week who were under the influence... I know that the Word of Wisdom is an eternal principle! When we care for our bodies, we are able to be more in tune with the Spirit. In Preach My Gospel pg. 96 "The Spirit does not get our attention by shouting or shaking us with a heavy hand. Rather it whispers. It caresses so gently that if we are preoccupied we may not feel it at all. (No wonder that the Word of Wisdom was revealed to us, for how could the drunkard or the addict feel such a voice?) Occasionally it will press just firmly enough for us to pay heed. But most of the time, if we do not heed the gentle feeling, the Spirit will withdraw and wait until we come seeking and listening and say in our manner and expression, like Samuel of ancient times, 'Speak [Lord], for thy servant heareth.' (1 Sam. 3:10.) -The Candle of the Lord," Ensign, Jan. 1983,52. "

I know that we will have our bodies forever! I'm so grateful that Jesus Christ overcame death, so that we can also through Him.

"After we have passed through this life, we will have our bodies glorified, made free from every sickness and distress, and rendered most beautiful. There is nothing more beautiful to look upon than a resurrected man or woman. There is nothing grander that I can imagine that a man [or woman] can possess than a resurrected body. There is no latter-day saint...but that certainly has this prospect of coming forth in the morning of the first resurrection and being glorified, exalted in the presence of God." -President Lorenzo Snow, Oct. 1900.

We had family home evening with Ti, Tr, Jo, and Little K. They are doing so well! Jo will be baptized on May 10th. Ti, Jo, and Little K came to church yesterday for all 3 hours! For the first time! Ti has weekends off now! (Tr is also very receptive but works on Sundays) What a miracle! They loved it! Jo was whisked away to young women's class by the other girls, and Little K got to go to nursery!

We had a wonderful lesson this week with Ch and Sa about temples and being sealed as families. Charlie said he will be baptized one day.

I love these people! I know that our Savior lives. He loves these people! Ni bore her testimony (she was asked to give a talk/testimony) in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. She is on fire! She is so converted to the Lord! She bore her testimony of how she sees Christ in the people of the church and in the missionaries. I also see Christ in the members of this church and in the church leaders. Mi is going through a rough time. She is in difficult circumstances, but I have seen the concern of the ward members, and have heard countless stories of them doing all they can to help her. I learn more about my Savior through the examples of the ward members here, and of y'all back home!

I love these sisters! (Sister Ro, me, Sister T, Sister Wh....I'm pretty sure Sister Wh is actually my cousin Sister J Greenall in disguise!)

There is so much joy in doing the work of the Lord! We are blessed!

I love y'all!
Have a wonderful week in the beautiful state of Virginia!
Com amor,
      - Sister Greenall

PS: There is a brother in our ward who is doing a PhD in Spanish and Portuguese. He helped me with my pronunciation while we were at a dinner appointment with his family... nazalizing is my current challenge. It seems the few times I have heard true portuguese from native or advanced speakers, the contrast between their portuguese and mine has been striking! haha! It's been so great! I love learning Portuguese! And I look forward to meeting the people of Belem Brazil one day! Texas is THE BEST! Danica is going to love it!


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