Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mar 31: Oi! Tudo Bem?


It has been a wonderful week in Texas.

The blue bonnets are blossoming! The weather is getting really warm -in the 70s and 80s, and all of a sudden one day we looked around and their were blankets of blue bonnet flowers everywhere! No wonder Texas is known for its blue bonnets..

This past week we also had an incredible day where it was 80 and suddenly got really cloudy and gray and started raining and hailing for about 15 or 20 minutes, then cleared up to the warm 80 degrees again! Texas is a fun place!

Mom, thanks for your package! The homemade cookies are so great! They have been enjoyed and shared, and there are more that are waiting to be enjoyed in the freezer. Mmmmm. I'm also so grateful for the face wash, etc. you sent! Thank you!!

This past week has been a bit unusual. Going to the capital with the K Family last week was fun! We have had several wonderful lessons with wonderful people. Also...On Wednesday morning we found out that all four of us sisters in our apartment had lice. ...yikes! On Monday night Sisters L and R (our housemates) had a suspicious that they might have it... So we figured we should all check. Luckily we called Sister S (our mission president's wife) and she told us exactly what to do! So unfortunately we spent that day shampooing with special shampoo, combing each others hair and getting all the lice out, washing all our clothes, sheets, etc again, and vacuuming. A true Texan experience!

It was such a relief to get back to work on Thursday. Sister T and I both noticed that although we were being productive and were busy on Wednesday, something was missing!!! There is such a special spirit that comes from being dedicated full time to sharing the gospel. A day without that made the contrast of the special spirit that accompanies us to share the gospel and the satisfaction we find in doing the Lord's work even more clear. What a blessing to be a missionary!!!

We received our transfer calls last night! Sister T and I are staying and receiving a new companion! We will be in a trio! The moving elders showed up at our door one day with a new bed! We thought that either one of our beds was too old...or that maybe they had found out about the lice. When we asked them why we were getting a new bed they told us there would be a trio in the apartment. They then asked which room was Merrilltown's! Last night it was confirmed by the transfer call that we are staying here and receiving a new companion!!

I love the people here so much! The investigators have been progressing! I am so excited to help these people continue to prepare for baptism, and to help them prepare to receive some of the greatest blessings they have enjoyed up to this point in their lives!

A is being baptized on the 12th of April and I am so excited to be able to be here! Do also agreed to pray and ponder about being baptized on the 26th. Ever since the first day we talked and she pointed out to us that she hadn't been baptized by priesthood authority, baptism has been on her mind a lot.

I have been in this area for... almost 6 months now? And I feel so blessed! I love knowing the members here! (and Sister T and I can find our way around easily now!) I love the investigators here and I look forward to meeting new people! It's especially hard to explain how much I love the converts here. This is such a wonderful area to be serving and there are so many miracles in store.

Life is so good!

I hope you each have a wonderful week!

Eu amo voces!
-Sister Greenall

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