Sunday, May 11, 2014

Apr 21: Otra Semana de Milagres

Hi family!

The time is flying by faster than ever!

We have had another miracle week.

On Monday evening we decided to try and meet a former investigator. We went to their complex, knocked on their door, but there was no answer. I felt like we should knock a few more doors. So I chose a few and Sister T chose a few. We met some nice people but none that were interested. We were about to go and we felt we should do one more door. There was no answer, but as we turned to go back to the car, there was a man walking by with his dog, taking his trash out. We talked to him, and he accepted a Book of Mormon, was interested, and set up a return appointment! His name was Ja and he was very nice! He said "I think yall knocked on my door!" It turns out he was the first door we had knocked (where the former investigator used to live), but he had been sleeping. Our knock woke him up and so he decided to take his trash out and walk his dog. God works in mysterious ways!

On Wednesday we had Zone Conference. Our zone and one other met and we were able to receive training from President S and other leader missionaries (sister training leader leaders and assistants to the president).

It was incredible and Sister T and I learned so many things which we are working to apply in our teaching.

Friday and Saturday were finding days for us. We spent the days knocking on streets we have never ventured to before, and working through our area book, trying to meet potentials and formers.

Sunday was an Easter miracle day.

Ja came to church!

Later, after church, we decided to visit a member who lives with a nonmember. As we pulled up to their apartment complex, the gates were closed, and we had no way of getting in, so we decided to go to our other location first instead.

We went back to the same complex about an hour later, and this time, the car right in front of us on the street turned into the complex and opened the gate. (coincidence? No way!) So we were able to enter the complex. When we arrived at the building where the member lived...we were surprised to see the member outside on the sidewalk, walking her dog. She was talking to her friend who was on the second floor out on her porch! The member saw us and said to her friend "These are my missionary friends from church!" The member's friend, Je, told us about how they were just talking about how instead of celebrating Easter, Je had ended up having a funeral for her youngest son. We asked if we could share a message with her. She said yes and invited us to come up.

We went up the stairs, found her apartment, knocked, and she let us right in. Her granddaughter, Cr and her friend (both young adults), were right inside the door, watching a tv show and doing their hair. Je welcomed us into the living room and had us sit down on the couch.

We invited the other two to join us, but they didn't really respond. We prayed with Je and began, but I felt like we really needed Cr and her friend to join us. We invited them again and asked Je if they would like to join us. Finally they came and turned the tv off. They were really the sweetest girls! We started again with a prayer. It was Cr's father who had passed away.

In the next 45 minutes, we taught the Plan of Salvation (which they loved and instantly accepted) and then the Restoration. There isn't really any way to describe the experience, except that it was exactly like the experiences outlined in Preach My Gospel! We just followed what we had learned from Preach My Gospel, and these three incredible ladies showed the exact responses that Preach My Gospel teaches that prepared people will have! They loved everything we taught them! They expressed the feelings of love and peace they were feeling. They wanted the Book of Mormon! Cr asked after the lesson, "what can we keep and read? These pamphlets?" We said "Yes, but actually, we want you to read the Book of Mormon!"

Cr said: :"Are you going to give that book to me?" she pointed to the one we had showed her. We said, "Yes!" She said, "Good! Otherwise I was going to download it on my phone or get it somehow!"

All three committed to baptism on a specific day in May. Before we even invited her, Cr said she would come to church next Sunday. Je testified that God had sent us to them, and Sister T testified "Yes, we know He has."

God lives! He works in mysterious ways!

I know that in comparison to His efforts and works, ours are nothing! (The contrast between what was accomplished in our 2 days of solid knocking and the miraculous things he did in guiding us to these 3 of His children is so clear!) But I know that all He asks us is that we give our best. He just asks for our best efforts, and He does the rest. I know that it is because Sister T and I gave our best in trying to find people to teach that the Lord was able to guide us to and trust us with these precious souls. I know that it is through His strength that we can do all things and witness miracles. I'm so grateful to be a firsthand witness of His miracles.

I know that Christ lives! I know that He died and was resurrected, and that He lives today. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His Church and the only church on the earth with His authority and the FULLNESS of His gospel. We are blessed!

Sister Greenall

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