Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mar 24: Another Great Week!

Oi Familia,

It was another wonderful week.

We have seen so many miracles as we have tried finding and teaching in different ways.

We've seen Tr several times this week! We are regaining contact with the H Family! We haven't seen Ti yet, but we have seen J and Tr. Tr was really excited to see us when we stopped by. He said we should come by again and contact Ti to know when a good day is.

We met an incredible woman named Co! We went to try to visit Q and J (we taught them a few times several months ago and lost contact), and Co answered. She was a friend of theirs who was staying with them for a while. She was so open to learning. We taught her the first lesson right there on her doorstep and she agreed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. She has been searching through different religions for a while, and is an honest seeker of truth. I'm excited for her to read the Book of Mormon!

We had an incredible lesson with M! She is a young adult and it was incredible to see how her attitude changed as we read through the chapter. The Spirit became stronger and stronger, and by the end she told us about how she had felt the "warm and fuzzy" feeling as she read and that she really liked it!

A is progressing really well. She is going to be baptized on April 12th now, instead of the 26th, so that's great!

On Wednesday night an appointment fell through. We tried so hard to contact B and S, but turns out they had forgotten about the appointment and weren't ready to meet. So we felt like we should try by Brother M's house. We hadn't been teaching Brother M for the past 2 weeks. We decided to give him time because he was having some setbacks.

When we drove by his house, Sister T said, "Park! Park! He's getting out of his car!" So we hurried and parked and went to talk to him. He was so happy to see us! It was so neat to see his face light up! He told us that something had been missing from his life for the past 2 weeks. Then he told us he knew the things missing were the things we were teaching him. We testified of the gift of the Holy Ghost. He finally said, "Oh, is that what it is?" Kind of jokingly , because we had tried explaining it to him so many times before and now he finally understood! We were able to have a wonderful discussion with him right there and testify again of the restoration of the gospel (he said, " used the word restored. What do you mean by that?") and the Plan God has for His children. We could tell that this time he was understanding even more!

He is out of town for the next few weeks for doctor tests, etc. But it is so wonderful to have contact with him again! As we talked he asked us several questions- referring to experiences he has had. Including, how could God let such awful things happen to good people and why doesn't He stop it? As we spoke with him, stories from the Book of Mormon kept coming to my mind and I was able to testify using the Book of Mormon. It occurred to me that ALL of the answers to his questions are found in the Book of Mormon.

I have spent a significant amount of time studying Alma chapters 14 and 24 this week. They are such powerful chapters. We sent these chapters to Brother M. He has had almost identical experiences while serving in the Navy for 20+ years.

I recommend these chapters. They are very sad, but we learn so many powerful principles from these converts' and missionaries' examples.

It's been an incredible week and we have met so many wonderful people!

I love this gospel! I love being here in Texas and teaching the people here!

Tudo bem.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Com Amor,
Sister Greenall

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