Monday, October 21, 2013

Oi! Oi! Last P-Day in the MTC

Email from Erica 
October 15, 2013

This week has truly been incredible. I never really know where to start or what to say with these emails. Just know that everything is incredible here and I am so happy! Dad, thanks for your awesome dear elder.  I really loved that.  I am so excited to serve in TEXAS! How many people get to serve two missions???  in one?? The second mission call was about as exciting as the first!  And I'm so excited to be bordering Kelsi's/Sister M's mission, and to be serving in the same state where Grandma and Grandpa Greenall served, and even to be in the mission where some of Aunt Paula's family lives!!! How cool!!!!!

This last week has involved many goodbyes and many incredible experiences where the Spirit was undeniable.

Testimony meeting as a district.
Testimony meeting in class with Irmao Porter
Irmao Porter "culture day" where he shared his mission things and experiences
Saying our goodbyes at 3 or 4 am in the morning
The elders giving the sisters priesthood blessings before they leave
Learning SO MUCH through the Spirit

Receiving our reassignments! Sister Ch and I had left the cafeteria... we all thought the assignments were coming Thursday night, but we walked out after lunch and saw a group of people with their reassignments, so we ran back in, told the elders, and our whole district charged like a stampede to the mail room!!  We opened them right there!!  We went off to the side, Elder G passed out the papers, then we went around in a circle and read our assignments.  LOTS OF EXCITEMENT and hugs/handshakes (depending on whether elder or sister :)  Hahaha, we had lots of firm handshakes with the elders this week. The firmest handshakes I've ever given! These elders are our brothers now!  We are so sad to say goodbye!  But they are coming to Texas with us, so that's cool!  The only ones left here at the MTC (in our district) are the 6 of us going to Texas!  We sent Elder B off to San Diego this morning!

Yesterday in class with Irmao Miller we practiced doing contacting on a bus!  Hahaha! We stood in front of the class as if we were standing up on a bus and said "Oi!! tudo bem tudo bem?? Eu sou Sister Greenall e eu SEI que Jesus Cristo vive!!!! Nos temos uma mensagem maravillosa para voce!  Se quiser ouvir mais por favor fale conosco!!! "  "Hi! I'm sister Greenall and I know that Jesus Christ lives! We have an incredible message for you!  If you want to hear more, please talk to us!"

My computer doesn't have Portuguese so I can't put accents, but here's some Portuguese thoughts...

A vida e boa. Life is good. Tudo bem aqui. Estou tao animada para servir no TEXAS! E depois BRAZIL tambem! Eu tenho dois chamados missionarios!!! QUE OTIMO!

Eu sei que Jesus Cristo vive. Ele e verdadeiro. Nao tenho ningum duvida que Ele vive e e meu Salvador e Redentor.  Eu amo meu Salvador! Eu amo Jesus Cristo! E amo meu Pai Celestial! Deus e nosso Pai Celestial! Deus e SEU Pai Celestial! Eu sinto seu amor todos os dias. Ele e tao tao bom. Ele e mercicordioso e amoroso. Ele enviou Seu Filho aque para expiar para nossos pecados. Este evangelho e verdade. Sao as boas noticias!! O evangelho de Jesus Cristo vai a trazer o mais alegria na sua vida.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is this: His Atonement. He died for you. He suffered for you. He's felt everything you have ever felt -  your pain, your sorrow, your grief, your loneliness, your guilt, your joy, your hope, your longing.  He is ALWAYS there for you.  He is knocking on the door.  He gave EVERYTHING for us so we could have this "at-one-ment" and become one with He and our Father and our families again!!

The gospel is true!

I love you all! Eu amo voces!!! PAZ!

-Sister Greenall


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