Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 4 Email: A Missionary Halloween

Oi Family and Friends!
We were supposed to be back in our apartments by 6 on Halloween, unless we had an appointment or dinner with a ward member. So the day before 6 was a normal day. We have weekly planning on Thursdays also, and that takes up to 3 hours! ...Sometimes more. So that was our Halloween! Lots of planning and then appointments!  And at 6 we had a dinner with an investigator at a member’s house! We ate curry and rice. YUM!  With fruit smoothies afterwards. The members name is D and the investigator is dear ol M. He’s an “oldie” since he's been investigating for almost a year! Or maybe 6 or 7 months since there was a break in between there. It was a lot of fun! And later when we were home we celebrated by drinking eggnog. We also wore our Halloween costumes that day... meaning I wore a purple shirt, Sister M wore a green shirt, and Sister C wore an orange shirt... to try to be halloweeny with our colors. We also listened to Handel’s Messiah early that day during our lunch break... So our Halloween was kind of Christmassy!  Handel...egg nog... Haha! We got it all mixed up! ...But we did buy a bag of reeses cups just in case we had some kiddos come. But we didn't! And then the elders (who live in our same apartment complex) ended up door bell ditching and delivering a ton of candy and chips over the next couple of days!!!  Ay!!! Haha! The elders are so funny! They are a trio and are the district leaders. They are literally just a side walk down from us. So we door bell ditch them a lot. Or deliver random things to them, like a packet of powder crystal light mix. Sister C likes to blast her recorder playing at their door and then run for her life. (All of these visits take place after we all are all home for the night of course. during our personal/free time).

One funny event that happened this last week was that we got a call from the Elders when we were in for the night and they asked if we wanted some chips. I said "Sure!..."  Elder B: "What kind?"  ..."What kinds are there???"   "We'll just come over and let you choose..." "Ok!"  A couple minutes later, I hear a knock at the door.  I open it up and there are the elders...with a HUGE box!!! It probably went up to my belly button and I'm not a short person!  And it was half way filled up with little bags of chips!!  Hahaha! Earlier in the week, Elder B had given us some twizzlers and a box of chocolate covered peanuts (from Canada he said!) and so it turns out that his grandma/relatives in Canada has sent him that whole box of like 30 lbs of food!!! Hahahaha!  Actually, when he gave us those chocolate covered peanuts (the packaging was in French) he had said they were chocolate covered raisins. Later in the car we were eating them and we realized "...these are peanuts..." then we get a text from the Elders that says "Oh! Those are chocolate covered peanuts, not raisins!! Sorry!" we reply "Sister M is allergic to peanuts. We've already eaten some."  "...I am so sorry. You can throw them away!! Is she ok???"   "Were you trying to kill us?" Sister C is such a trouble maker. Finally I get the phone! "Sister C is naughty! Sister M isn't allergic! These are delicious!" Poor Elder B almost had a heart attack! 

Things here have been so great! I love the missionary work! Guess what?? We got a call from President Slaughter last night! I was so surprised when he said "Is Sister Greenall there?"  "..Yes!"  "Are you on speaker phone?"  "...Yes!"  "Firstly, you aren't going to Brazil yet."   Hahaha! I let out a huge breath.  "This isn't about your visa, but you are being emergency transferred to the Merrilltown ward tomorrow to be companions with Sister S."  Wow! None of us expected that! So today I am being transferred!  Actually, I was just there in Merrilltown on Tuesday on an exchange!! It is a family ward area within our singles ward area (since singles ward areas are huge). It was a really great day and I loved the area and people I met!

Stories from last Tuesday exchanges...

I was companions for the day with Sister L and Sister S. They are awesome! Sister L has been out for about 9 months, but has struggled with her health for a long time and is going home. That's why I am going to be companions with Sister S. I learned so much from both of them while there! And interestingly, ever since Tuesday I've been thinking I'd love to be companions with Sister S and be trained by her sometime. And today I will be! I'm excited because Sister S is a super hard worker! She schedules a ton in with backups and everything, sets high goals, focuses on exact obedience, and works so hard to reach those goals! She has a lot of qualities I want to set for a foundation for the rest of my mission, so I know I will learn a lot from her! Also she is a Spanish speaking missionary so we can speak in Spanish and Portuguese together and do language study together which will be great!

We visited a family that night when I got to Merrilltown on Monday night. Their names are S and C. They are the neatest couple! S is a recent convert and C is investigating the church. They are an older couple, with grandkids. They fed us an amazing dinner! And she made a giant pizzookie for dessert. She's quite a cook. I've been doing good with eating no gluten…. until that pizzookie! She served me up a piece and I hadn't given any forewarning that I was gluten free since I just got to the area that night, and I ate the piece and it was incredible!  Hahaha! But I haven't been eating gluten, so that one piece didn't cause any problems.  But oh boy!

I got your package!!! Mom, that was so sweet!!!! All those gluten free goodies! I am so excited!!!! Pancakes, cornbread, and brownies! Some of my favorite things!! Along with my other favorite things!! Trail mix, mangos, and craisins are lovely too!!!!!!  Thanks so much! And the face washes are greatly appreciated!  

Anywho, S used to be a drama ...what's the name… she was a teacher for the classes in high school that build the drama sets...the set for the plays.  Does that make sense? So her house and backyard are incredible!!!! Her house is decorated so uniquely inside!  She just creates all sorts of amazing things!  But the backyard is the really unique part. On either side of the backyard is a pirate ship!!! It's hard to explain...I'll be sending pictures when I can!! The next day we actually went back to her house to do service. We helped fix up the boats because she was going to have a Halloween party for all the kiddos on Halloween! How fun!

That day in Merrilltown I also knocked lots of doors! Which was great because we never do that in the singles ward and I need to learn! We also ate dinner with the relief society president's family that night. They were such a cute nice family!  They feed us very well in the Merrilltown ward! 

Oh, but also, in the apartment where I am moving to tonight (where I was on Tuesday) there are four sisters per apartment. So their apartment is a bit different and bigger than ours here. Theirs has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a big living room and big kitchen. All the sisters there are Spanish speaking. So it was really cool to be able to practice Portuguese and have them understand!  I'm looking forward to that part of moving there with them! Also, we went running for our gym time while I was there, which was so nice! We usually go to the gym here with my companions which is good, but it was nice to go outside and run.

A lot has been happening this week! It's been so great! We see miracles each day, little ones and bigger ones! There was another baptism on Saturday! Her name is T! She was one of our investigators but decided to get baptized into the family ward, the Shoal Creek ward (because her mom and aunt- recent converts- are in that ward). The Elders that live by us work in the Shoal Creek ward. 

On Monday night, we went to the Sq’s for fhe! They are the sweetest little missionary couple! They work with the African refugees here. T’s mom is actually from Africa I believe. They invite us and the Shoal Creek elders on Monday nights. Last Monday they served us waffles with ice cream and strawberries! (I ate ice cream and strawberries! haha! And then I went and had dinner in the Merrilltown ward with S and C and Sisters S and L! And dessert! Oh boy! So much food!! Hahahaha!

This week we have met some really awesome people, including J and K who are prepared and I think we will continue to meet with a lot! (Except I'm leaving the area!) 

I'm running out of time!

I love you so much! Hopefully I'll have more time to write later today in email or letter...my companions aren't big letter writers, so I haven't been finding much time to write letters! Hopefully I’ll have more in my next area!

I'm kind of combining your email with the everybody email I guess!:) But I love you so much Mom and Dad!!! And my sister, D! I love you dearly!!!!! I hope BYU has been awesome!!!

Love all y'all!

Oh! On Sunday I bore my testimony, and I said y'all without even meaning too! I didn't even realize I said it! I still don't remember saying it! But when I sat down, my companions looked at me and smiled and said "you said y'all"!!  ...The gift of tongues, Texan style. :)

I love this work! I love being in Texas! I love the gospel of Jesus Christ!! This church is true!!!! God leads the missionaries to those who are prepared and He leads them to us! We've had several of those people this last week!! Including another really incredible gal named R, who I sadly don't have time to write about.

Com amor,
   Sister Greenall

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