Monday, July 14, 2014

Jul 14: Milagres Cada Dia!

Oi Familia!

Have you seen the new scriptures video? I was so surprised when it was shown in gospel principles! I didn't even know this video was being made or anything!

This week was another great one! Last Monday evening we met a man named Au! We were trying to visit a less active member, but it turns out we met his brother instead! The original person we were trying to meet and his brother had moved in. He is a nice man who is on house arrest, so he cannot leave his house to come to church or anything! A neat experience was that as we were testifying of the Book of Mormon and were trying to give it to him, he was open, but would sway between being open and interested, to being doubtful and bringing up arguments. I had the impression, "Put the Book of Mormon away, and if he asks for it, give it to him."

We finished up our doorstep lesson and were going to leave with a prayer, when he said, "I will take that book" and pointed to my purse. So we gave it to him and set a return appointment to follow up on his reading.

We went back on Saturday with two members from our ward, a recent convert named J and Sister G from the Relief Society Presidency. It went well. He had read the Intro and the testimonies and accepted another return appointment. "I'll be here. I can't leave, so I will definitely be here!"

We met a nice couple after that on the same street or a street nearby. They were sitting in their front yard and we asked if we could share a message about Christ. They listened to the Restoration and they already had very strong faith and belief in Christ. When we got to the apostasy, the man got a bit argumentative and started quoting bible scriptures. I felt prompted to just skip to the First Vision. We shared that which brought the Spirit back. We testified of the Book of Mormon, and they accepted a copy and the invitation to read. It seems like suddenly the husband realized he was starting to believe what we were saying, so he kind of snapped himself out of it and said, "Well if I were to read it, it would just be to argue. So I don't want to waste your time." He handed it back to us and then his wife gently took it back out of my hand, saying to him, "Well, at least let me read it!" We could tell during the lesson that she had been very touched by the Spirit.

That was a neat experience to me, as well as the one with Au, of the power of the Book of Mormon. When people are in tune and open to the spirit, they can begin to feel that the Book of Mormon is true before even opening it!

We have been meeting with a less active member, P. It seems like she was just waiting to have someone reach out! She loves the gospel and knows it is true! She and her husband were both converted, baptized, and then sealed in the temple. After that they had some questions and weren't quite sure where to turn for answers. The ward they were in also got split into two wards, and they eventually became less active. It reminds me how important it is to focus on the daily simple things- scripture study, prayer, asking questions and seeking answers, talking to church leaders. She loves the gospel and still has a testimony. I'm inspired by her determination to make things right with the Lord and become active again. A miracle is that her husband said to her (seemingly out of the blue) that he wants to come back to church. She had wanted to, but he hadn't shown any desire to. Before he always said he knew it was true, but that he didn't want any contact at all from the Church.

We received a referral from a member in another ward this week. We met with her on Saturday. Her name is Ju and she is great!! We are so excited to keep teaching her. She has wonderful questions and a very open mind. Member missionary work is so powerful!

Our investigator, Ra, came to a baptism for another ward on Saturday night. That was great! He is catholic and when he noticed that the baptism was done by complete immersion in the water he said he liked it and that it was "old fashion". I liked that! It is definitely old fashion - so old fashion that it is the exact way God intended for us to be baptized since before Adam even came to earth!

We saw so many miracles yesterday. Church was wonderful!

We had made plans to spend a lot of time on Blanco street. It is very long and has lots of apartment complexes. We made a list of potential investigators and less active members to visit. Before we could even knock the first two doors we were looking for at the first complex, we met a young man named Jo. We asked if we could share a message about Christ (he had a huge smile on when we met him) and he said, "That's actually what we were just doing! I just met Tim and he is sharing all sorts of things that he learned with me!! He is blowing my mind! You're going to love this! Let me ask them." So we went upstairs with him to Tim and Ginger's house! They were very nice and welcomed us in! They had been having a huge discussion about the gospel. Tim and Ginger had found many questions and inconsistencies with different churches and even their own previous beliefs. So, having faith in the promise that if we seek we will find, Tim started studying - a lot! As they began to tell us about what they were learning, they mentioned little tidbits about the apostasy and the need for restoration, and how we need to use the Spirit to discern from right and wrong, etc, etc. It was unreal! They were talking about all of these things and the Light of Christ, but just without putting the exact names to all of them. We started with a prayer and shared the message of the Restoration. Jo was practically jumping up and down saying, "it all fits together!!!!" Tim was also very open, although we could tell he is one who needs to study more for himself and seriously ponder and pray before getting too excited. Tim had met with Elders before and read some of the Book of Mormon (he still had his and knew exactly where it was), but the elders had stopped meeting with him because of all his questions. (It seems a lot of his questions were about archeaelogical evidence and about how there weren't cows in the ancient Americas, etc). But by the end of the lesson, they all committed to read from the Book of Mormon and we set up return appointments and they gave us their phone numbers.

Angels are literally preparing the hearts of God's children to receive the message of the Restoration!

After that we went down stairs to try the door of the less active members we were originally looking for. She was sitting outside smoking and before we even realized she was the person we were looking for, she looked up and said, "oh! oh! You caught me!"

They invited us inside and really opened up to us about how they were going through hard times. A scripture came to mind and we were able to share a message with them that addressed their needs.

I am learning on my mission what it means for our faith and our diligence to be constant. While we are being blessed with so many miracles, I know that my faith and diligence should not be dependent on miracles. I am grateful for the opportunity to be refined and taught and to serve the wonderful people here in Texas.

Oh! At church on Sunday I got to meet the Brazilian converts! They are moving back to Brazil in 2 weeks! I walked up and got to speak Portuguese to them! They were surprised and were so excited to find out I am going to Brazil! They said we can come visit them this coming week to practice Portuguese. I've only met about 6 Brazilians, but I feel connected to them. Texans and Brazilians are special people! I love being here and serving. The gospel of Jesus Christ is true and has been Restored!

Sister Greenall

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