Monday, May 26, 2014

May 5: The Miracle of Prayer


It has been another wonderful week in the mission field. I'm so blessed to be in Austin, Texas!!

This week on Friday Jo will be baptized.

There have been so many miracles this week, but the one that stands out is the miracle of seeing a Child find a Parent....

Brother M is going through some extreme trials. I can't imagine experiencing the pain and loss that he faces. Through the physical trials, though his body grows weaker, his spirit has been growing and becoming stronger in miraculous ways. There are many people and experiences that tie me to Texas, but over and over again I am amazed at our experiences with Brother M.

In District meeting this week, we were talking with our district to seek new ideas of how to approach helping Brother M to pray. As we were asking, the thought came to me: "Why not just write a letter to God?" So when we were able to meet with Brother M this week, and he asked, "How would you recommend overcoming the prayer block?" We suggested the idea to him of writing a letter. To our surprise, he said, "...That's not a bad idea."

He has had some difficult experiences with prayer in his life which has created a brick wall when it comes to prayer. But as we talked to him, we could see so much humility in him, and a sincere desire to connect with his Father. Brother M is very thorough in his research so when we extend commitments he mostly says "We'll see..." This time, we asked if he would write a prayer in letter form. He said, "We'll see..." We said, "Brother M, WILL you write a letter to God?" He said, "Y'all are very persistent. Yes, I will attempt."

At the end of the lesson, he said something along the lines of, "I have to say... For years, the men from another church have talked to me and taught me. I never learned anything. I gained knowledge. But it went in one ear and out the other. But when you two teach... it doesn't go out the other ear. It's incredible!"

That past week he sent us a text and asked us if he could come to church!! We asked him what inspired him to do that, and he said, "...a thought, a feeling. It's not like me!" We testified of the Holy Ghost, and he is accepting of the answers we give him. He is feeling the Holy Ghost and understanding it!

Today he sent us a copy of that prayer he wrote. Miracles are everywhere! God loves His children so much! He knows each of them! And after all of the things we tried to teach Brother M to satisfy his desire for intellectual concepts and principles, the only thing he has really needed to know is that he is a child of God. That knowledge changes lives and people!

I love this gospel with all my heart. I know it is true! Christ lives.

Have a wonderful week!

   Sister Greenall

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