Monday, September 8, 2014

Sep 8: All in!

Dearest Family,

Another great week in San Antonio!

This week has been great. Missionary work is hard, but so rewarding. Even when the rewards are not instant or even visible, there is such satisfaction in knowing that the Lord is pleased with what we are doing. I have taken Sister Slaughter's counsel to heart: Seek approval from above, not from below or around.

Each companionship is different. Some are easier than others, but I know that the Lord is teaching me important principles in every situation on the mission. I've realized that the Lord is so aware of the details of our lives that when we win (with His help) even the smallest of battles - like remaining calm and patient in frustrating or stressful situations - He is pleased. I am grateful for his all-encompassing understanding and love.

We had two exchanges this week! I am inspired by these sisters. The more I get to know different missionaries, the more I realize that each one has a unique challenge. What impresses me so much is that these challenges often remain unseen by others (except a companion perhaps, and sometimes not even a companion knows about the individual struggles). When I look around at these missionaries, I see disciples of Christ who are building their foundations upon Him, and upon nothing else. I know that when He is our foundation, we can successfully build joyful and peace-filled lives. We can become true disciples of Him and with His help can accomplish anything He asks us to do.

Directly after the exchange with a few sisters we exchanged with our STLLs (Sister Training Leader Leaders). Sister B and Sister J are examples to me of TRUE leaders. They are elevators!!! They lift everyone around them - their companions, the sisters they serve, those they teach, the members, etc.

Thursday was my 1 year mark! It has been the fastest, most wonderful year of my life.

On Wednesday night, right before our year mark, Sister Th (we were in the same MTC district and are both in the TSAM) received her visa! What a miracle! I am so grateful for that blessing and so happy for her! I have also been experiencing miracles. Over and over again I receiving feelings of peace and comfort, that even though I can't see what directions things are going in (concerning my visa and mission), the Lord is taking care of things.

We had MLC (Mission Leadership Counsel) on Friday. During lunch, Sister S, Sister T, and I sat with the Slaughter family! We were walking by and President Slaughter said, "Join us!" Their 14 year old daughter, told us about the missionary work she is doing with her teacher and how her teacher came to church and loved it! I told President Slaughter, "President Slaugther, I have been dying to talk with you!" He said, "Really! What about?" I said, "I want to be a TSAMmer!" He said, "It was your year mark this week, wasn't it!" All week I had been expecting him to pull me aside at MLC and talk to me about being reassigned - and I was so excited to hear those words!! But to my surprise, he said, "Let's give it one more week." He has so much faith and confidence. He also explained to me that only the Brethren decide if I will be reassigned or will continue to wait for my visa. Everything is done through inspiration. What comfort! After MLC was over, I had a few more minutes to talk with President Slaughter. I am so grateful for he and Sister Slaughter! How I admire and look up to them! The time he took to talk with me and listen to my concerns meant so much to me. He is filled with faith and that has given me comfort and confidence throughout my mission.

I love this work. I look forward so much to continue serving in Texas or Brazil. I know that God has a marvelous and beautiful plan for each of us. His plan for my mission and life is far greater than any plan I could ever make!

Have a wonderful week! Thank you for your prayers and support. The power of your prayers does so much for missionaries!


Sister Erica Greenall

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